VMWare vCenter: Cant Remove ‘Orphaned’ VMs

KB ID 0001398


I noticed I had a VM that was ‘Orphaned’ in my vCenter web console. It was not a production server or anything, I just wanted to delete it. However the option to Delete or Remove from Inventory was not available.


It turns out, you just need to ‘dig a little deeper’. All Virtual Infrastructure Action > More Uncategorized Actions > Remove from inventory.

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vSphere – Guest VM is shown as (Orphaned)

VMware – Cannot Delete an ‘Orphaned’ Replica

Deleting Folders With ‘Long Filenames’ (Source Path Too Long)

KB ID 0001396


Source Path Too Long
The source file name(s) are larger than is supported by the file system. Try moving to a location which has a shorter path name, or try renaming to shorter name(s) before attempting this operation.

“Have you come across a problem deleting folders with long filenames?” I got asked this question twice in the first week at a new job. In a former role my colleague did a lot of work in schools and was forever coming across this problem when doing file migrations.

As it transpired this was a problem at, yes you’ve guessed it a school that was a client. The little darlings had got hold of a script that recursively created nested folders, and as obviously this is hilarious it had happened multiple times.

I didn’t have a solution of the top of my head, but I thought I’d try and recreate the problem, and see if there was a simple solution.


The most difficult part was replicating the script. Windows is pretty good at protecting itself. But thanks to the good folk at Experts-Exchange’s assistance, I was good to go, attempting to move or delete the file generated the error you see above.

Method One: Use Robocopy

Robocopy has been built into windows for a while, you can use it with the /MIR flag to remove all your subfolders.


robocopy C:\DELETE-ME C:\{path}\{The Top Level Folder To Delete} /s /mir


Then you can simply delete the two remaining empty folders


rd C:\{path}\{The Top Level Folder To Delete}


Method Two: Use a GUI Tool

I’m always suspicious of third party tools, and if you Google this problem two pieces of software will jump out, one’s brilliant does not have any spamware or malware in it, the other one’s, well not free and annoying.

The Good

DeleteLongPath by BackupChain simple and does exactly what you expect. Take some time to look a their backup software as well!

The Bad

Message boards are spammed with people saying how great this piece of software is, probably by the clowns who make it! Long Path Tool, they just want your money don’t bother. 

Update: I’ve had about 15 to 20 chancers trying to post favourable comments for this piece of junk, don’t bother i wont approve them!


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Nero Install Error: ‘The Installation process cannot be resumed…’

KB ID 0000294 


Seen while installing Nero Burning ROM, at various points along the install it will fail with the following error,

The Installation process cannot be resumed. A rollback of the failed component will be performed. Some applications have been installed successfully and can be used, Do you want these applications to be uninstalled?


1. Click “Yes” to uninstall.

2. Download and run the cleanup tool.

3. Select “Clean” > Even if it says it can’t find anything, select “Yes” to continue.

4. Open Windows explorer, and navigate to c:program filescommon files > Delete the “Nero” folder, If it says some files cannot be deleted because the are in use, download and use “unlocker” on them, then delete them.

5. Click Start > Run > type %temp% {enter} > this will open your temp directory, delete the nro.tmp folder and any other files relating to Nero or nro.

6. Reboot the PC and then retry the installation.


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Windows – Cannot Delete Thumbs.db

KB ID 0000683


Thumbs.db is a small hidden system file that gets generated when you view media in a folder, you know when you look at all your MP3 songs and you can see the album cover as a thumbnail? Or you can see what all your photos are as a tiny thumbnail before you open them, well thats what the thumbs.db file is doing. It’s a tiny cache of all that information so next time someone visits this folder it displays those pictures quicker. Well that’s great! But when you try and delete a folder with one in (particularly a folder on another machine) you can see the error below.

The file Thumbs.db is a system file if you remove it, Windows or another program may no longer work correctly.

Then it won’t let you delete it, and if you persist, you end up with a folder with just this file in it, that you cant delete.


First Step – Delete the Thumbs.db file

OK, lets solve the initial problem first and get rid of the one thats annoying us at the moment.

1. In Windows 8/2012 whilst in the folder > File > Open command prompt as administrator. (With older versions of windows hold down SHIFT and right click).

2. Issue the following commands;

[box] attrib -s -h thumbs.db del thumbs.db [/box]

Stop your PC Generating Thumbs.db Files

Option 1

Open Windows Explorer > View Options > Change folder and Search Options > View > Enable ‘always show icons, never thumbnails’ > Apply > OK.

Option 2 (Use the Local Policy of the Machine)

1. Press Windows Key+R to launch the run menu > gpedit.msc > OK.

2. Navigate to;

[box] User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > File Explorer {or Windows Explorer} [/box]

Locate the ‘Turn off caching of thumbnail pictures’ policy.

3. Enable > Apply > OK.

Option 3 (Use the Registry)

You can simply run the following command;

[box] REG ADD “HKCUSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsExplorer” /v “DisableThumbsDBOnNetworkFolders” /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f [/box]

Or to do it manually,

1. Press Windows Key+R to launch the run menu > gpedit.msc > OK.

2. Navigate to;

[box] HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explore > Advanced [/box]

Create a New DWORD Value.

3. Call it DeleteThumbnailCache and set its value to 1.

Remove all Thumbs.db Files

Finally lets tidy up any remaining thumbs.db files.

Option 1

1. Open Windows Explorer (Windows Key+E) > Right click the drive > Properties > Disk Cleanup.

2. Select Thumbnails > OK.

Option 2

1. From command line, issue the following commands;

[box] cd del thumbs.db /s /q [/box]


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Cisco Catalyst – %Error Deleting flash:/{name} (Is a directory)

KB ID 0001070 


Today I was upgrading a Cisco 3750 switch, and needed to free up some space in the flash memory to upload the new system image to. But when I tried to delete the current system file I got this error.


Petes-3750# dir
Directory of flash:/

2 -rwx 796 Mar 7 1993 01:15:49 +00:00 vlan.dat
3 drwx 192 Mar 1 1993 00:17:13 +00:00 c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-55.SE5
4 -rwx 5504 May 27 2015 10:23:47 +00:00 private-config.text
85 -rwx 3096 May 27 2015 10:23:47 +00:00 multiple-fs
86 -rwx 2544 Mar 1 1993 00:01:40 +00:00 config.backup
88 -rwx 4020 May 27 2015 10:23:47 +00:00 config.text

15998976 bytes total (2421248 bytes free)

Petes-3750#delete flash:/c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-55.SE5
Delete filename [c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-55.SE5]?
Delete flash:/c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-55.SE5? [confirm]
%Error deleting flash:/c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-55.SE5 (Is a directory)



Well the fact that the file name didn’t have ‘.bin’ on the end of it should have been a clue. Anyway to delete the folder you need to use the force and recursive switches in your delete command, (or you can use rmdir).</p?


Petes-3750#delete /force /recursive flash:/c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-55.SE5
Directory of flash:/

2 -rwx 796 Mar 7 1993 01:15:49 +00:00 vlan.dat
4 -rwx 5504 May 27 2015 10:23:47 +00:00 private-config.text
85 -rwx 3096 May 27 2015 10:23:47 +00:00 multiple-fs
86 -rwx 2544 Mar 1 1993 00:01:40 +00:00 config.backup
88 -rwx 4020 May 27 2015 10:23:47 +00:00 config.text

15998976 bytes total (15981056 bytes free)


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Cannot Delete ARCServe Job

KB ID 0000018 


Backup job listed as <corrupted> and cannot be deleted, this is caused by ARCServe crashing or a power cut while the job was being worked on.


1. Start > run > cmd {enter}
2. cd c:program filescaBrightstor Arcserve Backup {enter}
3. cstop {enter}
4. Start > Run > %BAB_HOME% {enter}
5. Rename the folder 00000001.qsd to OLD_00000001.qsd
6. Switch back to the command Window
7. cstart {enter}

Note: this deletes the Pruning Job As Well to recreate that

1. Start > Programs > CA > Brightstor > Arcserve Backup > Server Admin
2. Click the Settings Icon
3. On the Database Tab > Tick Submit Prune Job > Add Server name/Password for caroot.
4. Set the Prune time above (12:00 is the default on a fresh install).

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