Windows: Cisco ASDM ‘This app can’t run on your PC’

‘This app can’t run on your PC’ KB ID 0001574


Whys isn’t Java dead yet? 🙁 Anyway, I tried to connect to a clients ASDM today, and from my Windows 10 machine, I got the following error;

Windows 11

Windows 10

This app can’t run on your PC
To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher.

‘This app can’t run on your PC’ Solution

Make sure you have installed Java ( and also make sure you are using an Intel (Not ARM based processor)

If you are launching straight for the desktop open the properties of the ASDM shortcut, and look at the ‘Target‘ value.

Change it to;


C:\Windows\system32\wscript.exe invisible.vbs run.bat


Apply > OK.

Try again.

If you are launching from the ‘Start Menu’ Open the file location of the shortcut;

Windows 11

Windows 10


And change the target to “C:\Windows\system32\wscript.exe invisible.vbs run.bat“. > Apply > OK.

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