How Do I Shut Down Windows 8?
KB ID 0000588 Problem Like Windows 7, Windows 8 is more than happy to gracefully shutdown if you press the power button on your PC/Laptop/Tablet. But now you don’t have a “Start Button” where’s the option to turn it off? You might find it simpler just to Create a Shutdown shortcut on the Start Menu. Solution How to Shut Down Windows 8 1. Press Windows Key+I > Power > Shut down. How to Shut Down Windows 8...
Connecting Evolution Mail Client to Exchange 2010 (and Exchange 2007)
KB ID 0000378 Problem Out of the box Evolution can only connect to Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003, this is because it uses OWA to connect, when Exchange 2007 was released, the way OWA was presented changed a great deal. So if you try and connect to a newer version of Exchange it will error. (Before you email in, I know in 2010, its now called Web App not OWA). But there’s nothing to stop you connecting to Exchange 2007 and...