Tether your iPhone or Using your iPhone as a Wireless Access Point (without jail breaking it)

KB ID 0000373 


Before you start, your provider has to allow tethering of your iPhone, if the option is not there you need to speak to them, some carriers will want to charge you more for the privilege, others will not care, thats not Apples fault, nor is it mine 🙂

Secondly, before you all start mailing in to berate me, yes I know I’m not turning my phone into a wireless access point, what I’m actually doing is tethering via bluetooth, which is very different, but if you in a hotel, or airport lounge with your laptop, do you want to argue semantics or get online?

Update: iPhone Personal Wireless Hotspot feature coming in version 4.3


Unfortunately (if you don’t like it) you have to have iTunes installed on the PC in question. This will put on all the Apple mobile device drivers you require.

1. If you are going to tether by the USB cable or via Bluetooth, the setup is the same. On the phone go to Settings > General > Network.

2. Select Internet Tethering, again if it’s not there, speak to your carrier/provider > it will be switched off by default.

3. Switch it on.

4. If you are connected via USB cable wait a few seconds and it will connect.

5. If you want to use bluetooth you will need to pair the phone and your computer, turn on bluetooth and pair the device.

6. The settings on your PC/Laptop will differ.

7. This is the sort of thing we are looking for.

8. On the PC Start > Devices and Printers > Locate the iPhone > Right click Connect using > Access Point.

9. All the while tethering is on, your phone will tell you.

Note: The performance you get will differ between USB and bluetooth, here are a couple of examples,

Via USB.

Via Bluetooth


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iPhone – Bluetooth Problem

KB ID 0000374 


I wrote an article yesterday about tethering via bluetooth, and had a few problems, sorry to say the web was not much help at all 🙁

Basically the iPhone was marked with a yellow warning triangle, and when clicking the troubleshooting option you see the following,

Error: Bluetooth Peripheral Device doesn’t have a driver.

2. I read some forum posts and the general advice was to download iTunes, extract the driver msi out of it and use those drivers, but that didn’t work either.

Error: Bluetooth Peripheral Device – No driver found.


The reason this is happening, is by default your iPhone installs with the “Wireless iAP” Service enabled. Click Start > Devices and Printers >Locate your iPhone > Right click > Properties > Services > Untick Wireless iAP > Apply > OK.

Note: You can still use the phone as an internet access point.


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