Free Certificate for IIS with Let’s Encrypt

KB ID 0001736


I’ve been aware of Let’s Encrypt for a while, they are a non profit Certification Authority, who will provide you with a free certificate, and you can use them for most things you want to secure with a digital certificate. The only reason I’ve never used them in the past is, their certificates have a short (3 month) lifespan, and I see enough things breaking when people forget to renew 12 month certificates! This site went down a couple of years ago because the certificate expired while I was on holiday in Las Vegas, and is was a pain to get fixed!

I’ve got some work coming up that requires me to have a publicly signed certificate, so I thought I’d give it a whirl, it was incredibly easy and painless.

  • Server OS (Server 2019 Standard build 1809)
  • IIS Version 10.0.17763.1

Free Certificate Prerequisites

Obviously you need a Windows server, with the IIS role installed, and a website that you want to secure. It does not already need to have a certificate or have https configured, if you have or have not already done that it will all be reconfigured for you! In additional you need a publicly registered domain name, you’re on my website so you know I have one of those, and finally a DNS host record (A Record) that you will use to browse to the web server. The will be ‘stamped’ onto the certificate as the certificate common name (CN).

The website will need to be publicly accessible via TCP Port 443 (https) on the IP address you’ve set in public DNS.

To do all the heavy lifting you need a peice of software, the easiest (I’ve seen) is win-acme (at time of writing the latest version is you simply download it as a zip file.

Extract the contents of that zip file to a folder on your hard drive.

Apply For & Install the Free Certificate

Open an administrative command prompt > Navigate to the folder you just created > run wacs.exe

Press ‘n‘ for create certificate.

I’ve only got one website, you may be hosting multiple sites, select the appropriate number.

I’m replacing every binding (you can have multiple bindings per site, but I’ve never seen that myself) > It then shows the bindings it finds > Select ‘A’ for all.

Yes to continue > No (unless you want the EULA to open in a web window for you to read) > Yes to agree to the terms (without reading them, shame on you!) > Enter a contact email address.

The software will go and get your certificate, install it, and bind it to your website. If it fails at this point it’s usually because the name for the certificate does not match your public DNS name, or the firewall is stopping your traffic.

Force IIS to Use Let’s Encrypt Free Certificate

To force client to use HTTPS and not HTTP, you will need to tick the option below (Require SSL);

If you take a look at your certificate you will see it’s got a three month lifespan, BUT, you dont have to worry about renewing it because…

Let’s Encrypt Free Certificate Auto Renewal

As well as getting your certificate, win-acme also created a scheduled task to check your certificate validity and renew it before it expires. Cool eh?

Where Does Win-ACME Store its information

Good question, it took me a little while to find that out, essentially once ran it creates a new folder in %programdata% (That’s a hidden folder on the C drive usually) called win-acme all your settings are in there, so if you make a mistake like entering the wrong email address, you can delete this folder and start again.

How To Remove Let’s Encrypt IIS Free Certificate & Settings

  1. Remove the certificate from IIS.
  2. Remove the win-acme folder from %Programdata%.
  3. Delete the scheduled update task from ‘Task Sheduler‘.

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Load Balance IIS with Microsoft ARR

KB ID 0001573


If you have a lot of IIS servers, and want to load balance between them, then you can either buy a load balancer, or use Microsoft ARR (Application Request Routing). Note: ARR does a lot more than simply load balancing, e.g. it can perform caching, and complex web routing, and even SSL offloading. Here we are just looking at load balancing.

I’m going to deploy TWO ARR servers in my DMZ, here I’ve got two ‘back-end’ IIS web servers, (you may have many more.)

WHY ARR?: Rather than use WAP (Web Application Proxy,) or a connection broker, ARR is application aware, i.e. it WONT attempt to serve pages from a broken IIS server, e.g. if the host server is online, but the site to IIS is broken for instance.

WHY TWO?: Well we are talking about balancing and availability, I’m deploying two so the event one fails, the other one will still be online, you can have these running on different hypervisors, or even in different datacenters, for added resiliency.

Deploy Network Load Balancing (NLB)

Our first task is to deploy NLB this will create a ‘Virtual IP’ for both of the ARR servers to use.

NLB is a ‘Feature‘ to enable it, launch Server Manager > Manage > Add Roles and Features > Next > Next > Next > Next > Tick ‘Network Load Balancer‘ > Next > Next > Finish.

Launch ‘Network Load Balancing Manager’.

New Cluster.

Add in the first host > Connect > Next.

Check the IP > Next.

Add a ‘Cluster IP’, (this is the IP that you will connect to for services), and is the ‘Shared’ IP > OK > Next.



Repeat the procedure to add the additional IP(s).

You will need to make the NLB IP is ‘Publicly Available,’ and open HTTP/HTTPS as required. Also the ARR hosts will need HTTP/HTTPS (as required) open to the internal IIS servers. I usually test all that at this point.

Deploy ARR and ‘URLRewrite’ for Load Balancing

ARR and URL rewrite are both IIS components, but you don’t need to install IIS yourself. You can if you wish, and then install URL Rewrite THEN ARR (In that order!) But it’s much simpler to download and use the ‘IIS Web Platform Installer‘.

Launch the Web Platform Installer, and do a search for URL > Select URL Rewrite > Add > Repeat the process, searching for ARR, and add Application Request Routing version 3, (Not the 2.5 version at the top!) > Next > Follow the wizard and complete the install.

Launch IIS Manager > Now you will see you have a new option ‘Server Farm‘ > Create Server Farm.

Give your server farm a name > Next > Add in all the ‘Back-end’ IIS servers > Finish.

You will get a pop-up asking if you want to create a URL rewrite rule. In this case we want a simple rewrite rule as we are doing plain old load balancing and we have no special requirements, so Select YES. (Only click No if you have specific rewrite requirements and you want to set them up manually).

Now test externally. WARNING don’t expect the page to ‘flip over’ every time, remember ARR is caching these web requests, and your browser will also be performing web page cashing, use a couple of browsers and wait a minute or two between refreshes to make sure that all the web servers are being used!.

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IIS: Move WWWRoot Folder

KB ID 0001487


I migrated an IIS website I use for hosting files this week, and realised I’d forgotten how to relocate the wwwroot directory from it’s default install location on C:\inetpub\wwwroot.


Firstly, I’m assuming you have instilled the IIS role and you already have a wwwroot folder on your C: Drive, (in the above location). If so you can simply copy this folder to your new partition/drive (in my case the E: drive).

Open IIS Manager, Drill down to the Default Web Site > Manage Website > Advanced Settings > Physical Path > Change accordingly > OK.

You can now Stop and Restart the website from within IIS Manager, or run ‘iisreset‘ from command line.

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Microsoft IIS – Stop Getting Indexed By Search Engines

KB ID 0001352 


If you have a publicly facing website, and you DON’T want it indexed by the major search engines, then this is the post for you. Why would you want this? Well you  might have a development server that you don’t want appearing in peoples search results, or you might be hosting files and folders you want publicly available, but again you don’t want those files and folders showing in peoples Google/Bing search results.


From ‘Administrative Tools’ open ‘Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager’ > Select the Server > HTTP Response Headers.

Add  > Name = X-Robots-Tag > Value = noindex > OK.

Then from an administrative command window run ‘iisreset’.

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