What are IOPS?

What are IOPS?

What are IOPS KB ID 0001833 My IOPS History I was on a call this morning where the IOPS (Input / Output Operations Per Second) were being discussed. I have a love / hate relationship with IOPS insofar as they are ONLY any use when you are comparing apples with apples, and more importanly (which is the bit we don’t talk about) that we have defined what an apple is. Because one mans Golden Delicious is another mans Bramley cooking...

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Disabling IPv6

Disabling IPv6

Disabling IPv6 KB ID 0001832 Problem Stop! Why do you want to disable IPv6? I see this regularly in forums, with other unusual statements like “If you’re not using it disabling it” or “It’s just another attack vector, disable it.” Well unless you’re running Windows XP and Server 2012 you’re using IPv6. If something does not work and disabling IPv6 fixes it, then it’s usually...

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