Using Azure Site Recovery for Migrations (Part 2)

KB ID 0001514


Back in PART ONE, we setup our Azure Site Replication Server, now we create a “Replication Policy“, and perform a test failover. In addition to the pre-requisites we needed before to perform the following steps, we will also require you to create a “Storage Account” in your Azure Subscription.


Locate the Replication Vault we already created > SiteRecovery > Prepare Infrastructure > Set your requirements > OK.

I have not run the deployment planner, this is a PowerShell tool that will give you some stats on what your replication performance will be like, with your VMs and internet connection. I am simply putting “I will run it later: > OK.

Azure Create Recovery Services Vault

Select your onsite Configuration Server > Select your vCenter/Hyper-V server > OK.

Note: I was worried about the “vCenter discovery status is NotConnected Click here to read more” Notice, but everything worked OK?

Azure Create Recovery Replication

Select your Storage Account > and LAN/Subnet > OK.

Azure Create Recovery Replication Storage

Azure Create an ASR Replication Policy

Create and Associate.

Azure Replication Policy

Give the policy a name (accept the defaults) > OK.

Associate Replication Policy

Once you are “all-green” > OK.

Save Replication Policy

Select Step 1: Replicate Application > Select your replication preferences > OK.

Enable ReplicationTo Azure

Enter the Azure ‘target VM‘ settings > OK.

Enable Replication To Azure Target

Select the VM(s) that you want to replicate > OK.

Enable Replication To Azure Seelct VMware VM

Make sure an account with the correct access is chosen > OK.

Enable Replication To Azure Properties


Enable Replication To Azure Properties

Enable Replication.

Enable Replication To Azure

Obviously, this may take some time, I left it running and checked the following day.

Replication Vault > Overview > Sire Recovery > Wait until all your replicated items are “Healthy”.

Healthy Replication to Azure

Azure SRS Perform Test Failover

Replication Vault > Replicated Items > Select your replicated machine > Test Failover.

Test Failover to Azure

Select your latest replication > and destination network > OK.

Test Migration to Azure

Wait till we are “all-green” In practicality you need to wait a while longer, you will see, (if you go to boot login and watch the screen), the VM will boot up install new hardware items, it will be a while before you see the login screen.

View Failover Progress Azure

At this point if you have failed over into a ‘production LAN” you will be able to connect to the failed over machine. 

Warning: The failed over machine will have a DHCP address, if you have failed over a domain controller, or asset that needs a static IP, then you will need to manually rectify that, when moving it into production.

In my case I just want to give my machine a Public IP so I can connect to to via RDP (to Test)

Azure: How To Assign a Public IP to a VM

All Services > Public IP addresses > Create Public IP Addresses > Give it a name > Choose your Resource Group > OK.

Azure Add Public IP to a VM

On your VM > Networking > Select the NIC.

Azure Add Public IP to a VM

IP Configuration  > Select the configuration.

Azure Add Public IP to a VM NIC

Select “Enabled” > Assign the public IP object > Save.

Azure Add Public NAT IP to a VM NIC

You can now connect to your VM.

Azure Connect to Failed Over VM

You can now, perform a “Cleanup Test Failover” and perform a live failover.

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Author: PeteLong

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