PowerShell: Bulk Enable / Disable Users

KB ID 0001469


I needed to work out how to bulk disable some domain users from a .CSV file this week, so I thought I’d write it up.

Disable Domain Users in Bulk from CSV

Well firstly, you need to have your users in a CSV file. For the live job I just exported all the SamAccountNames to a CSV, but here for testing I just loaded a few in manually;

Then execute the following two commands;


Import-Module ActiveDirectory 

Import-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\Users-To-Disable.csv" | ForEach-Object {Set-ADUser -Identity $_.’User-Name’ -Enabled $false}


Let’s have a quick check, and sure enough they are disabled.

Enable Domain Users in Bulk from CSV

To re-enable them, we just need to change one word in the command, (from false to true).


Import-Module ActiveDirectory 

Import-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\Users-To-Enable.csv" | ForEach-Object {Set-ADUser -Identity $_.’User-Name’ -Enabled $true}


A quick refresh and our users are enabled again!

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6 thoughts on “PowerShell: Bulk Enable / Disable Users

  1. Will your script search through OU’s recursively if the AD accounts are nested Pete.



  2. simple and easy to understand.
    Other sites have many scripts and they work but this one does the job in one line!

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