KB ID 0001389
To be honest we have had the capability to recover deleted active directory objects for ages. It’s just in Windows 2016 things look a bit neater.
Enable Active Directory Recycle Bin
From Server Manager > Tools > Active Directory Administrative Center ,> {Domain-Name} > Enable Recycle Bin.
Note: You may need to restart ADAC before you will be able to see the option greyed out.
Enable Active Directory Recycle Bin with PowerShell
From an administrative PowerShell window;
Enable-ADOptionalFeature ñIdentity 'CN=Recycle Bin Feature,CN=Optional Features,CN=Directory Service,CN=Windows NT,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domainx,DC=net' ñScope ForestOrConfigurationSet ñTarget 'domainx.net'
Restore an AD Object From the Recycle Bin
I’ve deleted a user , and I want to restore him. From Server Manager > Tools > Active Directory Administrative Center > {Domain-Name} > Deleted Objects.
Locate the deleted object > Restore.
Restore an AD Object From the Recycle Bin with PowerShell
First let’s make sure the item is there to restore!
Get-ADObject -filter {displayname -eq "Pete Long"} -includedeletedobjects
Now we’ve found our deleted user, to restore them, use the same command but ‘pipe’ it to a Restore-ADObject commandlet.
Get-ADObject -filter {displayname -eq "Pete Long"} -includedeletedobjects | Restore-ADObject
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