5 thoughts on “Setup RANCID and ViewVC (Part Two) Adding Cisco Devices

  1. Hello,
    I have configured RANCID & getting the mikrotik,Cisco router’s changes log successfully. But i am unable to found which users are doing the changes. For example if i have 10 users in one of my mikrotik router, i want to see which users did router’s any changes. Is it possible to get the individual users log in RANCID.

    • I’m not sure about mikrotik, but I know with cisco there is at least one syslog message that reports any commands executed (this includes basic show commands, but also includes any config changes)…
      You can configure these events to trigger an email alert from the device(s), but you may also want to have a syslog server running somewhere as well which could do similar functionality (not a bad idea if you’re already doing rancid) – on an ASA the id is 111009, this may vary on other systems

  2. My crontab file is there but it is not running. Created under user Rancid as suggested. Any ideas?

    [root@rancid ~]# su rancid
    [rancid@rancid root]$ crontab -l
    #Rancid Config File

    #Run Rancid Every Day (@Midnight)
    0 0 * * * /usr/local/rancid/bin/rancid-run

    #Clear Log files older than 30 days
    59 23 * * * /usr/bin/find /usr/local/rancid/var/logs -type f -mtime +30 -exec rm -rf {} \;
    [rancid@rancid root]$

  3. I am receiving email notifications for my switches and routers but i am not receiving any email for cisco asa firewall changes. I have added firewall credentials and tested rancid can login to firewall successfully.

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