KB ID 0001203
If your machine is struggling, a good place to look first is the performance tab on ‘Task Manager’
Here you can see CPU and Memory Stats and how our network cards are performing, but wheres the disk stats?
Before you can see them you need to enable them, open a PowerShell, (or an administrative command window). and run the following command;
diskperf -y
Now re-open task manager and go to the performance tab and you can see the stats for the hard drives;
I can’t think why, but if you wanted to turn this off again issue the following command;
diskperf -n
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Thanks. Very useful!
disk part and perfmon is disabled for task manager as it will consume resources and hammer the server. You can instead use resource monitor
Simply magical and useful!
Great command, I always come back here via google because I forget it 😀
BTW, you dont need to run it in powershell anyway.
But at some point CMD will be replaced by default by powrshell
Brilliant, thank you.
I wonder which clever-clogs at Microsoft decided to remove it in the first place
after installing win srv 2022 DC & normal on esxi with version DEL-ESXi-703_19898904-A05, i hod no performance indicators for HDD anymore.
thx alot 🙂
Thanks a bunch! i thought my VMware f—ed it all up but it was actually server! 🙂