ECP Blank Page KB ID 0001185
Note: This article is for Exchange 2013,2016 and 2019, if you are running Exchange 2010 or 2007 see the following article;
Exchange 2010 – Blank OWA Page?
Sometimes this happens after applying updates to Exchange! Firstly make sure all your services a running! From an administrative Powershell window run the following command;
Get-Service *Exchange* | Start-Service
After making some certificate changes in Exchange 2016 this week, I found that the Outlook Web Access and Exchange Management websites would not work? I was presented with the normal login dialog, but after a successful authentication this happened.
ECP Blank Page: Solution
This happens because the website that runs the ‘Exchange Backend’ has lost the certificate for its https binding.
Open the Internet Information Services Management snap-in > Server-name > Sites > Exchange Back End > Edit Bindings > https (444) > Edit > Select the correct certificate for Exchange.
Then restart the site, or run ‘iisreset’, or simply reboot the server.
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This saved my ass. Fine!
Dude thank you very much!!