KB ID 0000307
Backup Exec Exchange Backup fails with the following error,
Final error: 0xe000fed1 – A failure occurred querying the Writer status. Final error category: Resource ErrorsWriter Name: Exchange Server, Writer ID: {76FE1AC4-15F7-4BCD-987E-8E1ACB462FB7}, Last error: The VSS Writer failed, but the operation can be retried (0x800423f3), State: Failed during freeze
The Microsoft VSS writer that Backup Exec is using is in a failed state.
1. Drop to command line > Start > run > cmd.
2. Issue the following command,
3. Look for the Exchange writer – and see what state its in.
4. As you can see this one has failed – Reboot the server, 99% of the time that wil fix the error, if not see here.
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