Changing the Windows 10 Browser, So It Isn’t Edge

KB ID 0001284


I’ve seen one person use Edge as their browser in a business environment. I’ve got nothing against it, (I use a macOSX anyway). But I had a client that asked me how to make sure his machines are set to NOT use Edge as the default browser.

I’m going to use Internet Explorer instead, but you can do the same with Chrome or Firefox depending on your browser of choice.


What I’m going to do, is set the browser on one machine, then export the default associations for that machine to an XML file, then via GPO Im going to get my Windows 10 machines to use that XML file, (by filtering the GPO so it only applies to Windows 10).

Start > Settings > System > Default Apps.

Windows 10 Default Applications

Change Web browser  > Select the one you prefer.

Windows 10 Set IE Default

Open an administrative command window, and execute the following command;

Dism /Online /Export-DefaultAppAssociations:C:\Windows\Temp\DefaultApps.xml

Windows 10 Export Default Applications

If you open that file with notepad you should see the browser associations.

IE Default browser not Edge

Create a central share , and ensure domain computers have ‘read’ rights.

Create Network Share

Now copy your DefaultApps.xml file from your client into the central share.


Create a GPO for your file associations linked to the OU with your Windows 10 computers in.

Create Group Policy

Edit it.

Edit GPO

Navigate to;

Computer Configuration > Policies> Administrative Templates > Windows Components > File Explorer > Set default associations configuration file

Set Default File Association by GPO

Enable the policy and put in the path to your DefaultApps.xml file.

Group Policy File Association

Filter the Group Policy For Windows 10

Only Windows 10 has Edge, so you can create a WMI filter, then this policy does not try and apply to previous versions.

Windows 10 WMI Filter

Like so;

See the following for explanation: Windows 10 Create a WMI Filter for Group Policy.

Apply WMI Filter to GPO

You can prove it’s working with the group policy modelling feature.

Test GPO


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Author: PeteLong

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