For everyone who simply does not disable the Windows firewall, then you need to be able to manage what ports are open on your machines. The simplest way to do this is via group policy. This week I had to open TCP port 9503 on the local firewall of my McAfee Move Offload Servers. Below I will open that port on all my machines, but in production I will only apply the GPO to the OU with my Move Offload servers in it.
1. On a domain controller or a client running the remote administration tools > Windows Key+R > gpmc.msc {Enter} > The Group Policy Management Console will open.
2. Select the OU that contains the ‘Computers’ you want to enforce this policy on, (or here I’m choosing the entire domain) > Right Click > ‘Create GPO in this domain, and link it here..’.
3. Give the policy a sensible name so you can see what it is doing later.
7. As this is a new policy the list will be empty, (you can return and add multiple entries to this policy later if you require further ports opening). In the example below I’ve opened port 9053, over TCP, the asterisk means ‘from anywhere’, I’ve Enabled the rule, and called it McAfee Move.
<Scope>: Where the traffic is coming from, i.e, or, or simply ‘localsubnet’ or ‘*’ for everywhere. You can enter multiple values separated with a comma.
<Name>: A simple text entry to define what the exception is.
8. OK > Apply > OK > Close the Group Policy Management Editor. If you have a Windows 2012 domain you can force the policy refresh on a particular OU like so.
9. Or simply run gpupdate /force on the target machine, (or you could also wait a couple of hours, or reboot the target machines.)
10. To make sure it has worked on the target machine > Windows Key+R > WF.msc {Enter} > Inbound Rules > Your rule should be visible.
11. If you open the rule you can see its been applied by group policy, and check the correct port has been defined.
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If you have a machine setup and working on your wireless network, sometimes it’s easier to set other machines up by simply migrating the settings. Either because you don’t want your child to try and type in a 64 bit WPA key, or you might simply have forgotten the WEP/WPA key,and don’t want to go through all the hassle of setting it up again.
In a small business environment you can give your colleagues their wireless settings in an XML file, or on a USB thumb drive. When using XML files you can even script the deployment of wireless settings to your users.
Option 1: Export/Import wireless Networks to XML File.
This is quick and easy, and if you are feeling adventurous enough, could be used to script the deployment of wireless networks.
1. On your working wireless machine, open a command window, the following command will list all the wireless profiles that are installed on this machine, )in the example below there is just one).
[box]netsh wlan show profiles[/box]
2. Now we know the name of the profile (Note: Typically it will be the SSID), we can export it to a folder. Be aware if the folder does not exist, the process is liable to fail.
Option 2: Export/Transfer/Import wireless Settings via USB.
1. On the source machine open ‘Control Panel’.
2. Select ‘Network and Sharing Center’.
3. Select ‘Manage wireless networks.
4. Locate the wireless profile you want to migrate, (in the example below there is just one), double click it > select ‘copy this network profile to a USB flash drive’.
5. Assuming you already have a USB drive plugged in, the wizard will detect it > Next.
6. Close.
7. Take the drive to a destination machine, and plug it in, Windows 7 has autorun disabled, with older versions of Windows you can simply choose ‘Connect to wireless network” from the autorun menu. If not open the drive and run the setupSNK.exe file.
8. Yes to confirm.
9. OK to close.
10. Your network is setup and ready to go.
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While trying to uninstall Exchange 2007 you see the following error.
“Error: This computer is configured as a source transport server for 1 connector(s) i the organization, These must be moved or deleted before Setup can continue.”
If you have other Exchange Hub Transport servers then you need to add one of those to the send connector. In my case I’m removing the only Exchange box.
1. Click Start > All Programs > Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 > Exchange Management Console.
2. Expand Organization Configuration > Hub Transport > Send Connectors > Right click the connector > Select Remove (or if you are changing to another server select properties > Source Server > Change).
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Having the ability to remotely administer network devices, means I don’t have to get my lazy carcass out of my chair and start fishing console cables out of my bag, also it saves on shoe leather, and travelling time.
Cisco Router / Switch – Setup Telnet Access
These days people frown at Telnet. It’s an insecure protocol so your password is sent in clear text over the wire, and can be seen by anyone sniffing traffic. For that reason SSH is preferred, but for completeness I’ll start with Telnet.
1. Log in the the device > Go to enable mode > Go to configuration mode > Enable Telnet and set a password.
Router0#conf terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router0(config)#line vty 0 4
Router0(config-line)#transport input telnet
Router0(config-line)# password P@ssword123
2. Save the changes and test.
Router0#write mem
Building configuration...
Cisco Router / Switch – Setup SSH Access
1. SSH is a little more involved, before you can connect via SSH, you need a certificate, and before you can generate a certificate, you need a host name and a domain name.
Router0#conf terminal
Router0(config)#hostname Petes-Router
Petes-Router(config)#ip domain-name
Petes-Router(config)#crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048
The name for the keys will be:
% The key modulus size is 2048 bits
% Generating 2048 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...
[OK] (elapsed time was 17 seconds)
2. Another prerequisite is you need usernames and passwords, these can be managed by a separate AAA solution like RADIUS, TACACS+, or Active Directory. But for this example I’ll simply set them up on the device, and use local authentication.
Note: I set myself up with privilege 15, this means when I log on, I automatically log on at enable mode, the other user account does not, and needs to know the enable password to make any changes.
3. Finally allow remote management via SSH, and save the changes.
Petes-Router(config)#line vty 0 4
Petes-Router(config-line)#transport input ssh
Petes-Router#write mem
Building configuration...
4.Finally you need to enable AAA Authentication to use the local database;
Petes-Router(config)#aaa new-model
Petes-Router(config)#aaa authentication login default local
Petes-Router(config)#aaa authorization exec default local
This also will enable username/password authentication for ‘console‘ (rollover cable) access. I dont like that, so I remove that with the following commands;
Cisco Router – Restricting Telnet and SSH Access via Access List
You can lock down access further to remote management, by allowing or denying access from an ACL.
WARNING: If doing this remotely, and just using SSH remember to generate the key and create users FIRST, or you may lock yourself out. If you are worried schedule a reload in twenty minutes, do the work, if it works cancel the reload, if it all explodes, go have a coffee, when you come back it will have reverted back!
Schedule a Router Reload
Petes-Router#reload in 20
Reload scheduled in 20 minutes by petelong on vty0 (
Reload reason: Reload Command
Proceed with reload? [confirm] {Enter}
Petes-Router#reload cancel
1. From the top let’s create a user, and setup the RSA key, (skip this step if you have already done this).
Router0#conf terminal
Router0(config)#hostname Petes-Router
Petes-Router(config)#ip domain-name
Petes-Router(config)#crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048
The name for the keys will be:
% The key modulus size is 2048 bits
% Generating 2048 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...
[OK] (elapsed time was 17 seconds)
2. Now create an access-list to allow and deny access, (usual ACL rules apply).
Petes-Router(config)#ip access-list extended VTY_ACCESS
Petes-Router(config-ext-nacl)#10 permit tcp any eq 23
Petes-Router(config-ext-nacl)#20 permit tcp any eq 22
Petes-Router(config-ext-nacl)#30 permit tcp any eq 23
Petes-Router(config-ext-nacl)#100 deny ip any any
2. In this example I will set the transport input to all (that’s TelnetANDSSH), then lock access down the the ACL we have just created.
Petes-Router(config)#line vty 0 4
Petes-Router(config-line)#transport input all
Petes-Router(config-line)#login local
Petes-Router(config-line)#access-class VTY_ACCESS in
3. Save your changes and test.
Petes-Router#write mem
Building configuration...
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