Can I delete _vti_inf.html and the _vti folders?

KB ID 0000742 


I was doing some site tidying this week, usually If I don’t know what something is I leave it alone, but I was on a mission! I had a bunch of files/folders in the root of my website, that, a) I didn’t know what they were doing, and b) wanted to delete.

File: _vti_inf
Folders: _private, _vti_bin, _vti_cnf, _vti_log, vti_pvt, _vti_txt


As it turns out these folders are needed for FrontPage and FrontPage Extensions. I CAN simply delete them, but since my web host provides me with cPanel access to the website, I can simply disable the extensions there, and this removes all the junk for me. (I don’t intend to use FrontPage).

1. Log into cPanel, locate FrontPage Extensions.

2. Uninstall Extensions.

3. You should see something similar.

4. Now we are a bit less cluttered.

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VMware VI Client – Remove Cached IP addresses and Hostnames

KB ID 0000644 


If you connect to a lot of ESX, ESXi and vCenter machines, the drop down list in your VI client can get a little cluttered.


1. Start > Run > Regedit {enter}

2. Navigate to;

[box]HKEY_CURRENT_CURRENT_USERSoftwareVMwareVMware Infrastructure ClientPreferences[/box]

Locate the ‘RecentConnections’ string value, and either delete them all, (or just the ones you no longer need).

3. Now things will be a little less cluttered.

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