KB ID 0001127
I was trying to delete a VLAN from a client switch, and this was happening;
Core-3560#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Core-3560(config)#no vlan 30 VTP VLAN configuration not allowed when device is not the primary server for vlan database.
Now as far as I was aware there was only one switch, (certainly on this LAN segment anyway). What you need to do is change the VTP mode to transparent, then you can make your changes. Afterwards I changed the mode back because a. Never assume you know everything, b. They are at the other end of the country, and c. Its never cause a problem before.
Core-3560-S(config)#vtp mode transparent Setting device to VTP Transparent mode for VLANS. NOW I CAN RECONFIGURE VLANS Core-3560(config)#no vlan 30 Core-3560(config)#vlan 120 Core-3560(config-vlan)#name Voice-VLAN Core-3560(config-vlan)#exit Core-3560(config)#no vtp mode transparent Resetting device to VTP SERVER mode.
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