Exchange 2000 / 2003 – Exporting Mail to .pst files with ExMerge

KB ID 0000091


ExMerge has been around for a long time, its used (as the name implies) to merge pst files into existing mailbox’s. However its also a great tool to export/backup users mail box’s if you’re doing a migration, or if you have got your “Disaster Recovery” hat on.

The following is a run through of how to export from a mail store to pst files – Note on a live system this can take some time, the example below was done in VMware on a test Exchange box that had 1000 users (as it was a test server the mailbox’s were tiny) If you need to do this on a production server plan in a LOT of time if your moving a large amount of data.



Note: I’ve mentioned it in the video, but just to reiterate, your mailbox’s need to be smaller than 2GB, if that can not be achieved, you can either;

1. Use ExMerge and export particular “date ranges” and produce multiple .pst files for the same mailbox (hopefully less than 2GB).

2. Use Outlook 2007 (or greater) to export the mailbox to .pst files individually.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Download ExMerge 

Exchange 2010 Bulk Import .pst Files

Exchange 2007 – Export Mailbox’s to PST files

Exchange 2000 / 2003 – 1 User, 2 Email Addresses, 2 Mailbox’s

KB ID 0000086


The title may be a little misleading 🙂 1 user cannot have 2 mailbox’s (NOTE a user can have many email addresses but only 1 of those addresses is the PRIMARY address so if he/she sends some mail the primary address will be the SENT FROM address for a SINGLE mailbox).

For most people that’s fine, BUT what happens if you want to be able to send AND receive as AND as two separate mailbox’s. Well you cant! so you need to fudge it a bit and create another user and use that user’s mailbox.


Step 1 Create a Recipient Policy

1. OK – For the purpose of this exercise my domain is called, I’ve got a user called Joe Bloggs and I want to give Joe the following Email addresses and The first thing to do is create a new recipient policy for Open Exchange System Manager > Recipients > Recipient Policies > Right Click > New >Recipient Policy.

2. Email Addresses > OK.

3. Give the policy a name i.e. “secondary domain” (NOTE using the “Modify” button you can specify “how to” and “who to” apply this policy to, I’m only doing a couple so we will do this manually.

4. Click Email addresses (Policy) Tab > New > SMTP address > OK.

5. Under addresses enter the new domain name i.e. “”Apply > OK.

6. Select the new one > Tick It > Click “Set as Primary” > Select the old one > Remove > Apply > OK.

7. NO!

Step 2 Create your User

8. You probably already have a user, and just want the second mailbox, if so skip to step 3. If not right click either the Users container or the OU that holds your users and select New > User.

9. Give the user an name and login name.

10. Enter the password requirements.

11. Yes we want a mailbox > Next.

12. Finish.

Step 3 Create the second mailbox

13. To Avoid confusion (we are going to have two Joe Bloggs users in a minute, create an OU to house the user objects that won’t be used – remember we need to create a user to get another mailbox. Right click your domain name and select New > Organisational Unit.

14. Right click your new OU > New > User.

15. IMPORTANT no two users in a domain can have the same login name, so give this one jbloggs2 > Next.

16. Password properties > Next.

17. Next.

18. Finish

19. Select the user you just created > Properties.

20. General Tab > Put something after the display name e.g. SECONDARY (you will see why in a minute). Apply > OK.

21. EMail addresses Tab > New.

22. SMTP Address > OK.

23. Type in the new address i.e. > Apply > OK.

24. UNTICK “automatically update e-mail addresses based on recipient policy” > Select your new SMTP address and click “Set As Primary” > Remove the old one > Apply > OK.

25 Now we need to give jbloggs access to jbloggs2’s mailbox > “Exchange Advanced” Tab > Mailbox Rights.

26. Look for Joe.

27. Remember find the original Joe! > OK.

28. OK.

29. Grand “Full mailbox access” (NOTE if you see “Send As” grant this right also) > OK.

30. NOTE: If the Exchange Server is 2003 (AND HAS SP2 APPLIED) you also need to grant permission to “Send As” to the other account as well. To do this, you also need to do the following, whilst in “Active Directory Users and Computers”. Click View > Advanced Features. Select secondary user > Right Click > Properties > Security > Add the Primary User and grant the “Send As” and “Receive As” Right to the Primary User (Thanks To Simon).

Step 4 Set up the Users Outlook

30. We Will take it as read that Joe Bloggs already has his Primary mail account set up, so to add his second mailbox > Start > Control Panel > Mail > The default profile will be called Outlook > Add.

31. Give the new profile a sensible name like “Joe Secondary” > OK.

32. Add a new Email account > Next.

33. Microsoft Exchange Server > Next.

34 Type in the servername > Type in Joe > Click “Check Name” > Select Joe Bloggs SECONDARY (that’s why we renamed it earlier 🙂 > OK.

35. Next.

36. Finish

37. Select “Prompt for profile to be used” > Apply > OK

38. Now when Joe starts Outlook he can choose which mailbox he wants to use.

39 You will notice that both Joe’s accounts are listed in the Global Address List. If you want you can hide one of the addresses.

40. To hide an address find the user in active directory users and computers > Right Click > Properties > “Exchange Advanced”Tab > Tick “Hide from Exchange address lists” > Apply > OK.

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