Each model in the Cisco ASA 5500 range comes with a range of licences and features, to add these features you can purchase them from a Cisco reseller. You will then need to apply the licence to the device.
1. Your first step is to purchase the Licence you require from an authorised cisco reseller.
2. When your licence arrives you need to locate the PAK that is on the certificate.
3. You need the Serial number of the ASA 5500, to get this either look on the chassis of the device or issue a “show version” command.
PetesASA# show version
Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 8.0(3)
Device Manager Version 6.1(3)
Compiled on Tue 06-Nov-07 22:59 by builders
System image file is "disk0:/asa803-k8.bin"
Config file at boot was "startup-config"
PetesASA up 5 days 17 hours
Hardware: ASA5510, 256 MB RAM, CPU Pentium 4 Celeron 1600 MHz
Internal ATA Compact Flash, 256MB
BIOS Flash M50FW080 @ 0xffe00000, 1024KB
Encryption hardware device : Cisco ASA-55x0 on-board accelerator (revision 0x0)
Boot microcode : CN1000-MC-BOOT-2.00
SSL/IKE microcode: CNLite-MC-SSLm-PLUS-2.01
IPSec microcode : Cnlite-MC-IPSECm-MAIN-2.04
0: Ext: Ethernet0/0 : address is 001d.70df.3e28, irq 9
1: Ext: Ethernet0/1 : address is 001d.70df.3e29, irq 9
2: Ext: Ethernet0/2 : address is 001d.70df.3e2a, irq 9
3: Ext: Ethernet0/3 : address is 001d.70df.3e2b, irq 9
4: Ext: Management0/0 : address is 001d.70df.3e27, irq 11
5: Int: Not used : irq 11
6: Int: Not used : irq 5
Licensed features for this platform:
Maximum Physical Interfaces : Unlimited
Maximum VLANs : 100
Inside Hosts : Unlimited
Failover : Active/Active
VPN-DES : Enabled
VPN-3DES-AES : Enabled
Security Contexts : 2
GTP/GPRS : Disabled
VPN Peers : 250
WebVPN Peers : 25
AnyConnect for Mobile : Disabled
AnyConnect for Linksys phone : Disabled
Advanced Endpoint Assessment : Disabled
This platform has an ASA 5510 Security Plus license.
Serial Number: JMX1234ABCD
Running Activation Key: 0x5c385c4d 0xf8344dbb 0xac3161c8 0xaf983c24 0x88888888
Configuration register is 0x1
Configuration has not been modified since last system restart.
4. So the one above has a serial Number of JMX1234ABCD.
5. Now you have the PAK and the serial number, you need to register them with Cisco Go there, login with a Cisco CCO account name. Enter the PAK Code > Submit.
6. Check the PAK details, and add more as required > Click “All Done”.
7. Enter the Serial Number of the ASA and tick “I Agree..” > Enter/Check your details > Enter the Licensee details (If Different) > Continue.
8. Read the Summary > Submit > Wait for it to stop saying “Processing” > When complete it should “Go Green” and say Registration Complete.
9. If can take a little while for the licence to be emailed to you and USUALLY goes straight to Junk Mail (Thanks Microsoft, that’s not funny!)
10. When the Licence comes in, the detail that you need is the activation key, it will look like….
dd12eb50 9e16d5bb 45b2a92c 78901838 44999999
11. You add this licence to the ASA with an “activation-key” command:
PetesASA> enable
Password: ***********
PetesASA# configure terminal
PetesASA(config)# activation-key dd12eb50 9e16d5bb 45b2a92c 78901838 44999999
Licensed features for this platform:
Maximum Physical Interfaces : Unlimited
Maximum VLANs : 100
Inside Hosts : Unlimited
Failover : Active/Active
VPN-DES : Enabled
VPN-3DES-AES : Enabled
Security Contexts : 2
GTP/GPRS : Disabled
VPN Peers : 250
WebVPN Peers : 50
AnyConnect for Mobile : Disabled
AnyConnect for Linksys phone : Disabled
Advanced Endpoint Assessment : Disabled
This platform has an ASA 5510 Security Plus license.
Both running and flash activation keys were updated with the requested key.
12. That’s the licence added.
Note: In the example above I added a licence to increase the web VPN peers from 25 to 50 (Which you can see if you compare the two pieces of code).
This method provides failover to a redundant ISP link should your primary network connection go down. IT IS NOT going to load balance the traffic across both interfaces. In this example I’ve also got a VPN to a remote site and some port forwarding to contend with as well.
Where we are at the start.
Where we want to be
Before you go any further the ASA that will have the backup ISP line, needs a Security Plus Licence or it’s not going to work.
PetesASA> en
Password: *******
PetesASA# configure terminal
PetesASA(config)# interface Ethernet0/3
PetesASA(config-if)# nameif backup
PetesASA(config-if)# security-level 0
PetesASA(config-if)# ip address
PetesASA(config-if)# no shutdown
PetesASA(config-if)# exit
2. In a ‘Failed Over’ state your traffic needs to then be NATTED to the backup interface, then setup a new route for the outside interface, and finally one for the backup interface. Note: The new primary route will be “Tracked” based on an SLA we will configure in a minute.
Configure NAT for a firewall running an OS NEWER than 8.3
PetesASA(config)# object network obj_any-01
PetesASA(config-network-object)# subnet
PetesASA(config-network-object)# nat (inside,backup) dynamic interfaceConfigure NAT for a firewall running an OS OLDER than 8.3
PetesASA(config)# global (backup) 1 interface
INFO: backup interface address added to PAT pool
Configure the Routes
PetesASA(config)# route outside 1 track 1
PetesASA(config)# route backup 2
3. Now we are going to setup a new SLA that maintains connectivity to an IP address (In this case via ICMP, then we are going to tie that SLA to “track 1”, )which you will remember is what keeps the default route on the Primary ISP), if that route fails, it swaps to the backup route.
PetesASA(config)# sla monitor 100
PetesASA(config-sla-monitor)# type echo protocol ipIcmpEcho interface outside
PetesASA(config-sla-monitor-echo)# num-packets 3
PetesASA(config-sla-monitor-echo)# frequency 10
PetesASA(config-sla-monitor-echo)# sla monitor schedule 100 life forever start-time now
PetesASA(config)# track 1 rtr 100 reachability
4. Any port forwarding getting done on the outside interface needs a mirror entry for the backup interface. and also will need matching ACL’s
5. Lets test it, issue a “show route” command, then disconnect your primary ISP then issue another “show route” command and it should have failed over like so;
PetesASA(config)# show route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, I - IGRP, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, E - EGP
i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, ia - IS-IS inter area
* - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o - ODR
P - periodic downloaded static route
Gateway of last resort is to network
C is directly connected, backup
C is directly connected, outside
C is directly connected, inside
S* [1/0] via, outside
Now Disconnect the Primary line
PetesASA(config)# show route
Codes: C - connected, S - static, I - IGRP, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, E - EGP
i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, ia - IS-IS inter area
* - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o - ODR
P - periodic downloaded static route
Gateway of last resort is to network
C is directly connected, backup
C is directly connected, inside
S* [254/0] via, backup
6. To enable this firewall to accept the existing VPN on its backup interface, you need to add the backup interface to that cryptomap (issue a show run crypto if your unsure). Then you need to enable ISAKMP on the backup Interface.
PetesASA(config)# wr mem
Building configuration...
Cryptochecksum: 91d190ba 2a3eb9c4 244d8c88 0da54e36
10220 bytes copied in 3.740 secs (3406 bytes/sec)
Change the ASA at the Remote VPN Site
1. Connect to the firewall at the remote site, find the cryptomap that points to the main site (show run crypto). find the one that pointing to the IP at the main site, then add the new IP address as an alternate peer address.
RemoteSite(config)# crypto map outside_map 2 set peer
2. Then create a tunnel group for the new backup address with the same shared secret as tunnel group to the primary IP.
RemoteSite(config-tunnel-ipsec)#write mem
Building configuration...
Cryptochecksum: 7a455ca7 3b637757 cd40aa82 7f3a22d8
7842 bytes copied in 1.530 secs (7842 bytes/sec)
To test the VPN fails over, at the remote site issue a “show cry isa” command, then get someone at the primary site to disconnect the primary ISP, wait a few seconds and then re-issue a “show cry isa” command and it should have flipped over.
Failover-FWall# show cry isa
Active SA: 1
Rekey SA: 0 (A tunnel will report 1 Active and 1 Rekey SA during rekey)
Total IKE SA: 1
1 IKE Peer:
Type : L2L Role : responder
Rekey : no State : MM_ACTIVE
Now Disconnect the Primary line at the Main site
Failover-FWall# show cry isa
Active SA: 1
Rekey SA: 0 (A tunnel will report 1 Active and 1 Rekey SA during rekey)
Total IKE SA: 1
1 IKE Peer:
Type : L2L Role : responder
Rekey : no State : MM_ACTIVE
Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links
If you are having problems with internal clients NOT getting through the firewall, the license on your ASA 5505 may be ‘to small’.
ASA 5505 License Differences
Essentially the licenses come in 10 user, 50 user, and unlimited*. You can also have a Security Plus License, this increases IPSEC VPN’s from 10 to 25, and adds Active/Standby failover, Dual ISP Support, and DMZ Support.
*Note: These figures are the concurrent total users, for internal clients making connections through the firewall, from the internal VLAN to the external VLAN (not between internal VLANS). If you have no default route defined then the limit is placed in ALL hosts on ALL VLANS.
From Cisco
In routed mode, hosts on the inside (Business and Home VLANs) count towards the limit when they communicate with the outside (Internet VLAN), including when the inside initiates a connection to the outside as well as when the outside initiates a connection to the inside. Note that even when the outside initiates a connection to the inside, outside hosts are not counted towards the limit; only the inside hosts count. Hosts that initiate traffic between Business and Home are also not counted towards the limit. The interface associated with the default route is considered to be the outside Internet interface. If there is no default route, hosts on all interfaces are counted toward the limit. In transparent mode, the interface with the lowest number of hosts is counted towards the host limit. See the show local-host command to view host limits.
To locate your license version issue the following command whilst in enable mode. ‘sho ver or show version’.
ASA 5505 10 User License
ASA5505 50 User License
ASA 5505 Unlimited License
ASA 5505 Security Plus License
Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links
I had to set this up for a client this week, I’ve setup a DMZ on a 5505 before and I’ve setup other VLANs to do other jobs, e.g. visitor Internet access. But this client needed a secondary VLAN setting up for IP Phones. In addition I needed to route traffic between both the internal VLANs.
I did an internet search and tried to find some configs I could reverse engineer, the few I found were old (Pre version 8.3) ones and the little info I got were more people in forums asking why theirs did not work. So I built a firewall with 8.2 code, then worked out how to do it, then upgraded the firewall to version 9.1. Finally I picked out the relevant parts of the upgraded config.
Here’s the scenario I’m going to use for this example.
Before we start, yes I know the ASA is a firewall not a router! A better solution would be to have either a router behind the firewall or, (as is more common) a switch that is layer 3 capable, i.e it can route.
The commands you use will be different if your firewall is running an operating system earlier than 8.3, check your ASA version and proceed to the correct set of commands.
For Firewalls running an Operating System OLDER than 8.3 go here
How to Setup VLAN Routing on an ASA 5505 (Version 8.3 and Newer)
User Access Verification
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
Petes-ASA> enable
Password: ********
Petes-ASA# configure terminal
2. As in the diagram (above) I have three VLANs, VLAN 0 is outside and will be connected to Ethernet 0/0. VLAN 1 is inside and will be connected to Ethernet 0/1. VLAN 112 is for my phones and will be connected to Ethernet 0/2. Here I setup the IP addresses, and add the VLANs to the physical interfaces.
Note: I don’t need to Add VLAN 1 to Ethernet 0/1, because all ports are in VLAN 1 by default.
4. Turn on ‘Hair Pinning’ (the ability to route traffic back out of the same interface it came in through) and allow traffic to pass between interfaces.
5. Out of the box, if you have not configured any access-lists then you can skip this step, as traffic will flow from a more secure interface (the inside and the phone one) to a less secure interface (the outside one). Here I’m going to use an ACL and allow all traffic anyway.
Petes-ASA(config)# access-list VLAN112_outbound extended permit ip any
Petes-ASA(config)# access-list outbound extended permit ip any
Petes-ASA(config)# access-group outbound in interface inside
Petes-ASA(config)# access-group VLAN112_outbound in interface PHONE_VLAN_112
6. Now setup ‘dynamic’ NAT so that all traffic leaving both the inside VLAN and the Phone VLAN network get NATTED to the public IP address.
User Access Verification
Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
Petes-ASA> enable
Password: ********
Petes-ASA# configure terminal
2. 2. As in the diagram (above) I have three VLANs, VLAN 0 is outside and will be connected to Ethernet 0/0. VLAN 1 is inside and will be connected to Ethernet 0/1. VLAN 112 is for my phones and will be connected to Ethernet 0/2. Here I setup the IP addresses, and add the VLANs to the physical interfaces.
Note: I don’t need to Add VLAN 1 to Ethernet 0/1 because all ports are in VLAN 1 by default.
4. Turn on ‘Hair Pinning’ (the ability to route traffic back out of the same interface it came in through). and allow traffic to pass between interfaces.
5. Out of the box, if you have not configured any access-lists then you can skip this step, as traffic will flow from a more secure interface (the inside and the phone one) to a less secure interface (the outside one). Here I’m going to use an ACL and allow all traffic anyway.
Petes-ASA(config)# access-list VLAN112_outbound extended permit ip any
Petes-ASA(config)# access-list outbound extended permit ip any
Petes-ASA(config)# access-group outbound in interface inside
Petes-ASA(config)# access-group VLAN112_outbound in interface PHONE_VLAN_112
6. Enable NAT so that all traffic leaving both the inside VLAN and the Phone VLAN network get NATTED to the public IP address.