Cisco IOS: Ether-Channel Trunks

KB ID 0001533


This is a subject that every time I need to create an Ether-Channel I end up checking beforehand, so it’s about time I wrote it up. We are combining two different things, an Ether-channel, (an aggregation of links) and a Trunk (the ability to carry many VLANS). If you are NOT from a Cisco background then you might want to read though the following post first to avoid confusion about the world ‘Trunk‘.

HP and Cisco – VLANs and Trunks Confusion!

So this is what I’m going to create;

I will combine the TWO links between the switches to act at one link (Ether-Channel). An Ether-Channel can have up to eight links.

Note: I’m only concentrating on the Ether-Channel setup so VLANs/VTP and Routing are not covered.


You can use two types of Ether-Channels PAgP (Port Aggregation Protocol), but WHY when it only works on Cisco switches. LACP (Link Aggregation control Protocol) which is supported by just about everything else, so let’s stick with that! By default a ‘Trunk’ will pass ALL VLANS, you might not want that, I’ll cover filtering VLANs a bit further down.

WARNING: If you simply connect two switches with two cables you will create a LOOP, if you have STP enabled the network will recover and block one of the links, but your colleagues will shake their heads and pull a ‘frowny face’. For that reason ‘SHUT THE PORTS DOWN BEFORE YOU CABLE / CONFIGURE THEM“. 

Starting on Switch1 make sure there’s is no existing Ether-Channels configured;


SW-1#show etherchannel
                Channel-group listing:

Group: 1
Group state = L2
Ports: 2   Maxports = 4
Port-channels: 1 Max Port-channels = 4
Protocol:   LACP
Minimum Links: 0


Above there is already an Ether-Channel (port-channel) on the switch (group 1) so you would have to use group 2. For arguments sake we will say I don’t have one, so I can use group 1.

Note: ‘show etherchannel summary’ is also a handy command to remember!


First shut down the uplinks, Note the syntax for the 'range interfaces', may differ from device to device, 
so use the TAB key.

SW-1#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
SW-1(config)#interface range ethernet 0/1 - 2

Add the ports to channel group 1, Note 'Active' denotes use LACP, (Passive also works, but one (or both) ends
should be active.)

SW-1(config-if-range)#channel-group 1 mode active
Creating a port-channel interface Port-channel 1

Create a 'trunk' with 802.1q encapsulation.

SW-1(config-if-range)#switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
SW-1(config-if-range)#switchport mode trunk


Then configure the other end the same, (assuming the port numbers are the same!) As mentioned above you can use LACP mode ‘passive‘ but I tend to set both ends active.

Once you have both ends configured and the cables in place, enable the interfaces with a ‘no shutdown‘ command, on both ends!


SW-1(config)#interface range ethernet 0/1 - 2
SW-1(config-if-range)#no shutdown


Filtering VLANs on an Ether-Channel Trunk

Any further port-channel changes need to be done on the port-channel interface, so if you want to filter what’s allowed you simply use the following syntax;


SW-1#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
SW-1(config)#interface Port-channel1
SW-1(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 1,10,100,200


Note: When adding any future VLANS check the syntax, if you simply add a new one it will overwrite all the others, and things will break!

Do all Ether-Channels need to be Trunks? No! Not at all, they can be access ports (as long as they are all in the same VLAN), and they can also be routed uplinks, with an IP address at both ends, (specified in the port-channel interface). 

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Cisco ASA 5506-X: Bridged BVI Interface

KB ID 0001422


When the ASA 5506-X appeared there was much grumbling, “This is not a replacement for the ASA 5505, I need to buy a switch as well!”  and “I have six ports on the firewall I cant use” etc.

While I understand that, and if truth be told the ASA 5505, was SUPPOSED to be used in SOHO environments where an all in one device, (with PoE) was a great fit. The problem was, people started throwing them in everywhere, I’ve seen them in large businesses, and in data centres. Because it’s easier to sell a firewall that cost less than 500 quid, than it is to sell a firewall that fits the network requirements! 

To ‘fix’ the problem would probably mean changing hardware, so Cisco gave us a BVI, Bridge Virtual Interface instead (with version 9.7). Well not strictly true, Cisco ASA has had BVI interfaces in ‘transparent mode‘ for some time. So on the ASA 5506-X with a default configuration, it ‘Bridges’ interfaces Ge0/2 to Ge0/8, into one interface which you can call the inside interface an give it an IP address.

Oh Great! So Just Like an ASA5505 Then? Well no sorry, I don’t like it because it needs an access-group/ACL for each bridged interface, and a NAT statement for each bridged interface. Unless you have a very simple network that can get very complicated, very quickly! Also note, the same holds true for remote management via SSH/ADSM etc.

Changes to ASA for BVI Interface

I’ll shorten the default firewall config and show you the ‘added commands’ that are used for this configuration.


interface GigabitEthernet1/2
 bridge-group 1
 nameif inside_1
 security-level 100
interface GigabitEthernet1/3
 bridge-group 1
 nameif inside_2
 security-level 100
interface GigabitEthernet1/4
 bridge-group 1
 nameif inside_3
 security-level 100
interface GigabitEthernet1/5
 bridge-group 1
 nameif inside_4
 security-level 100
interface GigabitEthernet1/6
 bridge-group 1
 nameif inside_5
 security-level 100
interface GigabitEthernet1/7
 bridge-group 1
 nameif inside_6
 security-level 100
interface GigabitEthernet1/8
 bridge-group 1
 nameif inside_7
 security-level 100
interface BVI1
 nameif inside
 security-level 100
 ip address
same-security-traffic permit inter-interface
object network obj_any1
object network obj_any2
object network obj_any3
object network obj_any4
object network obj_any5
object network obj_any6
object network obj_any7
mtu outside 1500
mtu inside_1 1500
mtu inside_2 1500
mtu inside_3 1500
mtu inside_4 1500
mtu inside_5 1500
mtu inside_6 1500
mtu inside_7 1500
object network obj_any1
 nat (inside_1,outside) dynamic interface
object network obj_any2
 nat (inside_2,outside) dynamic interface
object network obj_any3
 nat (inside_3,outside) dynamic interface
object network obj_any4
 nat (inside_4,outside) dynamic interface
object network obj_any5
 nat (inside_5,outside) dynamic interface
object network obj_any6
 nat (inside_6,outside) dynamic interface
object network obj_any7
 nat (inside_7,outside) dynamic interface
http inside_1
http inside_2
http inside_3
http inside_4
http inside_5
http inside_6
http inside_7


Yes I’m not making it up, that’s the added default config for a new 5506-X firewall, (post version 9.7) if you issue a configure factory-default, that’s what you will get! (Don’t panic: If you upgrade a firewall it wont add this in!) 

Is That What You Wanted?

Well if you are a small business and make very little changes to the firewall then this may be fine, (if a little cumbersome to setup). But to be honest I think its pretty bobbins! So I’ll be ripping it out of every 5506-X I deploy.

ASA 5506-X Remove the BVI Interface From CLI

First you have to remove the bridge group from the physical interfaces, but first you need to remove the interface name, or it will error. Obviously connect via the console cable, or from the outside interface, (because you’re about to remove the configured inside interface, until we recreate it again).


interface GigabitEthernet1/2
 no nameif
 no bridge-group 1
interface GigabitEthernet1/3
 no nameif
 no bridge-group 1
interface GigabitEthernet1/4
 no nameif
 no bridge-group 1
interface GigabitEthernet1/5
 no nameif
 no bridge-group 1
interface GigabitEthernet1/6
 no nameif
 no bridge-group 1
interface GigabitEthernet1/7
 no nameif
 no bridge-group 1
interface GigabitEthernet1/8
 no nameif
 no bridge-group 1


Only now can you remove the BVI interface.


clear configure interface BVI1
WARNING: DHCPD bindings cleared on interface 'inside', address pool removed
WARNING: BVI interface 1 is in use.


Note: The BVI1 interface will now disappear from the config, (if you’re used to working on routers it’s a bit like removing a loopback interface). Now Remove the ‘defunct’ object groups that were being used for NAT.


no object network obj_any1
no object network obj_any2
no object network obj_any3
no object network obj_any4
no object network obj_any5
no object network obj_any6
no object network obj_any7


Assuming your outside Interface (GigabitEthernet0/1) is still up and connected, (by default it will be set to DHCP and also set to get its outside automatically). You would then need to configure an ‘inside’ interface (I’ll use GigabitEthernet0/2) and specify a NAT/PAT rule to allow traffic out.


interface GigabitEthernet1/2
 nameif inside
 security-level 100
 ip address
object network OBJ-NAT-ALL
 nat (inside,outside) dynamic interface


That gets everything up and connected, (all traffic out allowed, and all traffic in (initiated from outside) is blocked)).

ASA 5506-X Remove the BVI Interface From CLI

Configuration > Device Setup > Interface Settings > Interfaces > Select interface 1/8 > Edit.

Remove the Interface name > OK >OK.

Change the Bridge Group to ‘None’ > OK.

Repeat for interfaces 0/7 to 0/2 > Apply.

Select BVI1 > Delete > Yes.

Configuration > Firewall > Objects > Network Objects/Groups > obj_any1 > Delete > Repeat for tall the other objects.

Save the changes.


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Cisco ASA – Policy NAT

KB ID 0001042


I’ve been working on a large firewall deployment for a client, each of their DMZ’s have both a production and a management network. nothing particularly strange about that, but each of their DMZ’s has its own firewalled management network and it’s routable from the LAN.

So If I’m an admin and I want to talk to a Linux appliance in their DMZ via its management interface, my traffic leaves the LAN through the management firewall, but the appliance sees my source IP as being on the LAN, and routes the traffic back to me via the clients production firewall.

Now the simplest way to fix it would be to put a static route on the appliance to route my traffic back via the management firewall, which is fine, BUT what if that appliance is the proxy server? Now I can administer it, but I cant get on the Internet!

Note: I’m NOT performing NAT anywhere in this scenario!


Well I could simply PAT the network my laptop is on, lets say its to the DMZ interface of the management firewall.


object network Admin_PCs
 nat (inside,dmz) dynamic interface[/box]

The problem with that is it will translate all traffic from my laptop’s subnet going into this DMZ and I might not want to do that.

Solution Pre ASA 8.3

We used to have a really simple way of solving this problem, ‘policy based nat’, you specify a set of conditions with an ACL then anything that meets that ACL is tied to a specific NAT rule.


access-list POLICY-NAT permit ip host
 static (inside,outside) interface access-list POLICY-NAT[/box]

Solution Post 8.3

To do the same now the syntax is a little different. To demonstrate I have built a small lab in GNS3 to demonstrate. If I want the internal host to talk to the DMZ host, I want the traffic when it gets there to ‘appear’ to have come from

To demonstrate, if I ‘ping’ the DMZ router from the Host router, and Wireshark the traffic when it gets there, I see its coming from its actual IP address.

To NAT this traffic use the following commands;


 For a Single IP

object network obj-Host
 object network obj-DMZ
 nat (inside,DMZ) source static obj-Host interface destination static obj-DMZ obj-DMZ

For the Entire Subnet

object network obj-Host-LAN
 object network obj-DMZ-LAN
 nat (inside,DMZ) source dynamic obj-Host-LAN interface destination static obj-DMZ obj-DMZ


Now if we repeat the process, and ping the DMZ host.

Now when I capture the traffic, the source IP has changed accordingly.

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