Exchange 2007 / 2010 Update Rollups Wont Apply

KB ID 0001454


I had to do an SBS 2011, (Exchange 2010) to Exchange 2016 migration last week. The Exchange 2010 installation had not been updated for a long time, anyway common sense dictates that you should always upgrade the old Exchange server to the newest version first. But every time I did, the install launched, started, stopped, then rolled back the changes, and failed.

Setup wizard for Update Rollup {version} for Exchange server {version} Service Pack {version} {KB-version} ended prematurely because of an error. Your system has not been modified. To install the program at a later time , please run the installer again.


This is happening because the server has UAC (User Account Control) enabled. So the easiest way to bypass this problem is to use MSIEXEC to install the update. Open up an Administrative Command window

Change to the directory the update is in, (in my case on the root of the server E: drive), then execute the following command;

[box]msiexec /update {File-Name}.msp[/box]

The install should now launch and complete without error.

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How Do I Remove Internet Explorer 9?

KB ID 0000524 


There are a number of reasons for doing this i.e. You want the “Javascript Error Alert” back that’s removed in IE9, or your business line CRM wont render in IE9 and setting a GPO to run it in “Compatibility View with IE7 Standards”* does not fix the problem.

*Note: Compatibility View Policy can be found at:
[box]Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Internet Explorer > Compatibility View > Turn on Internet Explorer 7 Standards Mode [/box]


1. On your machine in the search/run box type appwiz.cpl {enter}.

2. Locate “Windows Internet Explorer 9” in the “Microsoft Windows” Section and select Uninstall.

3. Yes we are sure.

4. Time for a coffee.

5. Restart now.

6. Post reboot you will have reverted to the previous version of Internet Explorer.

Remove IE9 Programmatically or via Script

1. The following command will also remove IE9:

[box]FORFILES /P %WINDIR%servicingPackages /M Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-*9.*.mum /c “cmd /c echo Uninstalling package @fname && start /w pkgmgr /up:@fname /norestart”[/box]

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