Public Folder Migration Exchange 2003 to 2010

KB ID 0000426 


I’ve already written at length about migrating from Exchange 2003 to 2010, I was doing a migration this week and migrating the public folders was proving to be a pain.

If you have multiple public folders within public folders then setting up replication can be a nightmare, as the replication settings don’t get passed down to the child object.

Normally you could use PFDAdmin and this would do it for you, or use the Exchange ExFolder tool, or even the powershell scripts included with Exchange 2010 (like AddReplicatoPFRecursive.ps1). But sadly all these failed for me today.

To use the Exchange 2010 Scripts click here.

In the end, with the aid of third line support at Microsoft, it was fixed using a feature of Exchange 2003 that I NEVER KNEW was there 🙂


1. The bad news is you still have to add the new Exchange 2010 server as a replica on the top level folder. (Right click > Properties > Replication Tab > Add > Add in the new server > Set the interval to always run > priority to urgent (unless you have a LOT! then choose Normal) > Apply.

Update: Eagle eyed visitor Brian Morphey, mailed me to point out that in my diagram all the folders are under the Exchange 2010 Administrative group, How did they get there? You need to use Exchange system Manager to create a public folder group in the new administrative group then simply DRAG the public folder group from the old admin group to the new one.

2. Right click the folder again > All Tasks > Manage Settings.

3. Select “Modify lists of replica servers” > Next.

4. Add servers > Next.

5. Add in BOTH the 2003 server AND the 2010 server > Next.

6. Finish.

7. It will now run through all the sub folders and apply the same replication settings on all of them, this can take a while depending on the number of folders.

8. Go to the Exchange 2010 Server and open the Public Folder Management console, right click Public Folder {your server name} > Update Hierarchy.

9. Repeat the above, but this time select “Refresh”.

10. Finally to speed things along, you can right click each folder and select “Update Content”.

11. Now wait! It can take a while till replication is complete.

Removing Public Folder Replicas

Once All the data has replicated across you can remove the 2003 replica by doing the reverse.

1. Right click the public folder > All Tasks > Manage Settings > Next > Modify List of replica servers > Next.

2. Remove servers> Next > Tick the server you want to REMOVE the replica from > Next.

3. Finish > Depending on the amount of data it may take a while.

Migrating Public Folders with Exchange 2010 Scripts

Step 1 Set up Public Folder Replication to Exchange 2010

On the Exchange 2010 Server open the Exchange Management Shell and execute the following three commands;

CD “C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14Scripts”
.AddReplicaToPFRecursive.ps1 -TopPublicFolder “” -ServerToAdd “”

Update-PublicFolderHierarchy -Server “”

Step 2 Once the Replication Has occurred

Warning: Check that replication is complete before you do this!

Check replication with a “Get-PublicFolderStatistics ” command, once you are happy, run the following two commands;

[box]CD “C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV14Scripts”
.MoveAllReplicas.ps1 -Server “” -NewServer “”[/box]

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Thanks to Brian Morphey for the feedback.

Cisco Catalyst – %Error Deleting flash:/{name} (Is a directory)

KB ID 0001070 


Today I was upgrading a Cisco 3750 switch, and needed to free up some space in the flash memory to upload the new system image to. But when I tried to delete the current system file I got this error.


Petes-3750# dir
Directory of flash:/

2 -rwx 796 Mar 7 1993 01:15:49 +00:00 vlan.dat
3 drwx 192 Mar 1 1993 00:17:13 +00:00 c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-55.SE5
4 -rwx 5504 May 27 2015 10:23:47 +00:00 private-config.text
85 -rwx 3096 May 27 2015 10:23:47 +00:00 multiple-fs
86 -rwx 2544 Mar 1 1993 00:01:40 +00:00 config.backup
88 -rwx 4020 May 27 2015 10:23:47 +00:00 config.text

15998976 bytes total (2421248 bytes free)

Petes-3750#delete flash:/c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-55.SE5
Delete filename [c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-55.SE5]?
Delete flash:/c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-55.SE5? [confirm]
%Error deleting flash:/c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-55.SE5 (Is a directory)



Well the fact that the file name didn’t have ‘.bin’ on the end of it should have been a clue. Anyway to delete the folder you need to use the force and recursive switches in your delete command, (or you can use rmdir).</p?


Petes-3750#delete /force /recursive flash:/c3750-ipservicesk9-mz.122-55.SE5
Directory of flash:/

2 -rwx 796 Mar 7 1993 01:15:49 +00:00 vlan.dat
4 -rwx 5504 May 27 2015 10:23:47 +00:00 private-config.text
85 -rwx 3096 May 27 2015 10:23:47 +00:00 multiple-fs
86 -rwx 2544 Mar 1 1993 00:01:40 +00:00 config.backup
88 -rwx 4020 May 27 2015 10:23:47 +00:00 config.text

15998976 bytes total (15981056 bytes free)


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Cisco CDA (Context Directory Agent) – Applying Patches

KB ID 0001024 


Having a button that you could upload patches from, that would crazy eh? Cheers Cisco! I deployed a CDA appliance recently, and it needs (eventually) to be able to talk to Cisco ISE so I knew it had to be up to patch 2. At time of writing we are at patch 4, so I thought I’d put them all on.

I don’t know if the patches are cumulative, and patch 3 looks a little smaller than patch 2 so I thought I would apply them all, in order to be on the safe side.


Before you start make sure your patches are downloaded and in the root of your FTP server (I use 3cDaemon).


In the process below I will install patch 4, the procedure is the same for all of the patches, the only difference is patch 1 does not automatically reboot the CDA when it is finished, all the others do.

1. Connect to the CDA either directly to the console or via SSH. Go to config mode and create a repository.


Petes-CDA/admin# conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Petes-CDA/admin(config)# repository CDAPatch4
Petes-CDA/admin(config-Repository)# url disk://CDAPatch4
Petes-CDA/admin(config-Repository)# end


2. Make a directory that the repository will use.


Petes-CDA/admin# mkdir disk://CDAPatch4
Petes-CDA/admin# dir

Directory of disk:/

       4096 Jan 19 2015 13:00:07  CDAPatch4/
      16384 Dec 08 2014 14:15:07  lost+found/

           Usage for disk: filesystem
                  172765184 bytes total used
                14275043328 bytes free
                15234142208 bytes available


3. Copy your patch over from your FTP server. (You wont get any response to say it worked!)


Petes-CDA/admin# copy disk://CDAPatch4
Username: PeteLong
Password: **********


4. Check the file is there.


Petes-CDA/admin# dir recursive

Directory of disk:/

       4096 Jan 19 2015 13:02:11  CDAPatch4/
      16384 Dec 08 2014 14:15:07  lost+found/

Directory of disk:/CDAPatch4

    3974740 Jan 19 2015 13:02:11  cda-patchbundle_1.0.0.011-4.i386.gz

Directory of disk:/lost+found

No files in directory

           Usage for disk: filesystem
                  176746496 bytes total used
                14271062016 bytes free
                15234142208 bytes available


5. Install the patch.


Petes-CDA/admin# patch install cda-patchbundle_1.0.0.011-4.i386.gz CDAPatch4
Save the current ADE-OS running configuration? (yes/no) [yes] ? yes
Generating configuration...
Saved the ADE-OS running configuration to startup successfully

Initiating Application Patch installation...

% This application Install or Upgrade requires reboot, rebooting now...

Broadcast message from root (pts/0) (Mon Jan 19 13:52:39 2015):

The system is going down for reboot NOW!

Patch successfully installed


6. After the CDA has rebooted, check the patch version(s) installed.


Petes-CDA/admin# show ver

Cisco Application Deployment Engine OS Release:
ADE-OS Build Version:
ADE-OS System Architecture: i386

Copyright (c) 2005-2011 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Hostname: Petes-CDA

Version information of installed applications

Cisco Context Directory Agent
Version      :
Build Date   : Tue May  8 15:34:26 2012
Install Date : Mon Dec  8 14:24:18 2014

Cisco Context Directory Agent Patch
Version      : 1
Build number : NA
Install Date : Mon Jan 19 13:22:19 2015

Cisco Context Directory Agent Patch
Version      : 2
Build number : NA
Install Date : Mon Jan 19 13:34:54 2015

Cisco Context Directory Agent Patch
Version      : 3
Build number : NA
Install Date : Mon Jan 19 13:44:30 2015

Cisco Context Directory Agent Patch
Version      : 4
Build number : NA
Install Date : Mon Jan 19 13:52:36 2015




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