Remote Desktop Services: RDS Sizing Calculations

KB ID 0001753


This is a horrible subject to find any decent information on. Microsoft are typically ‘vague’ and most people are stuck with using trial and error, or massively overestimating hardware to be on the safe side. I get asked this occasionally and, just like Microsoft, it’s a question I don’t like to answer!

People are reticent to tell you that you need ‘x’ amount of CPU and ‘y’ amount of RAM. Simply because ‘it depends’ e.g. a dozen users just doing some file and print, and working on office documents, will be much less of a requirement, than a dozen users making MS Teams calls and doing 3D Auto CAD modelling.

I’m going to Assume: That we are deploying RDS in a virtual environment, so I’ll be talking about vCPU requirements. BE AWARE: Running a VM with a LOT of vCPUs can be counter productive for performance (Google CPU Ready).

RDS Sizing Requirements

RDS Dependancies

Most of these will be common sense, 

  • Domain Authentication: Usually via Active Directory or Azure AD credentials.
  • DNS Resolution: Not just for the RDS server roles deployed, for resolving the names on Certificates, and for third party hosted applications.
  • Third Party (Line of Business) Applications: Not all apps support RDS deployment, and many that do, require different licensing (Check!)
  • File and Print: Thankfully these days most file storage is moving into the cloud, but users still need user profiles? How are you going to present them?FXLogix, Redirected folders, Shared folders etc.
  • Access: These days having RDP open to the outside world is a thing of the past, it you want to connect to RDS you either come in via an RDS Web Gateway, or even better, by connecting to a VPN, then accessing the RDS deployment.
  • Licensing: Obviously the RDS servers themselves require licensing, but so does RDS. Depending on what licence model you buy, (user CALs, or device CALs). Typically most people buy user CALs (Device CALs are good for things like call centres e.g. where 3 shift workers use the same PC in a 24 hour period so you can buy 1 device CAL rather than 3 user CALs).*

*Note: Whats a SAL then? A Subscriber Access Licence is used if you have your servers SPLA licenced from a service provider. These are usually on a monthly rental basis.

RDS Sizing: Roles

You can,  (and I think it’s still the default) put all the RDS roles on one server, obviously this is not ideal for anything other than a tiny deployment (5-10 users doing very low impact roles for example). But the individual roles required are;

RD Session Host: This is what does all the heavy lifting, it hosts the remote user sessions. Typically these will be the server(s) in your deployment that suffer with recourse constraints if you get something wrong. As I’ve mentioned above if you’re running 3rd Party Line of Business applications on here MAKE sure they are designed and optimised for RDS. Finally based on what your users are doing is it worth having better/faster/local storage on these servers.

RD Connection Broker: This role had two primary jobs, 1) Connect remote users to the least utilised session hosts, and 2) Reconnect users to the correct session host if they’ve dropped a connection, or have an existing open RDS session. 

RD Web Server: This provides a web logon portal for RDS so that RDS desktops and applications can be accessed over HTTPS. Remember just because traffic is on HTTPS (TCP port 443) do not assume it’s trusted and non malicious. Nearly every exploit and attack these days used HTTPS or SSH to get traffic in and out of your network. Unless you are inspecting https it’s not more secure than http! Typically the RD Web server is deployed in a DMZ. In some small deployments it can also be on the RD Connection broker.

RD Licence Server: Typically this gets put on ‘Another‘ server in the environment, the draw back of this is people forget where it is, and don’t check before decommissioning a server then find out a few days later their licence server disappeared. You install this role, then register it with Microsoft, then finally add your licences to it.

RDS Sizing Calculations

For all RDS roles apart from the RD Session Host(s) Then the footprint is relatively small.

RD Session Host(s) CPU: This depends on the amount of users, typically no more more than 4 users per vCPU , and up to a maximum of 8 vCPUs per host, (this should tell you you need an RDS Session Host for every 24 (approx) users). Remember to factor in additional hosts in case you suffer a loss of server/hypervisor. For that reason it’s also good practice to deploy your session hosts with anti-affix city rules so that they are not all on the same hypervisor host!

RD Session Host(s) RAM: Again depends on the user and what they will be doing, as a rule of thumb, allow between 2 and 8 GB per user, but do not allocate more than 128 GB per RDS Session Host.

RD Connection Broker: (2x vCPU, 8GB RAM, 70GB HDD) Note: Can scale up to 8 vCPU, 16 GB RAM, 70 GB HDD) for larger deployments.

RD Web Server: (2x vCPU, 4GB RAM, 70GB HDD) Note: Can scale up to 8 vCPU, 16GB RAM, 70 GB HDD) for larger deployments. Once you get larger than this you need to look as load balancing multiple RD Web servers.

RD Licensing: (1 x vCPU, 4GB RAM, 70GB HDD) Assuming there’s no additional compute requirements on the same host.

I welcome any feedback and recommendations below.

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Deploying Remote Desktop Services

Server 2008 – TS (Remote Desktop Services) Licensing

KB ID 0000523 Dtd 23/03/12


A couple of months back I put in a 2008 Terminal Services Server, or Remote Desktop Services as it’s now called. I installed the Licensing server and successfully added in the licences the client had purchased, but a while later he rang to say he was having licensing issues.

At first I thought it might have “dropped” it’s licences so I checked Remote Desktop Licensing Manager, and they were still there:

Note: The Windows 2000 Server Built in TS Per Device unlimited licences are a throwback from earlier versions of windows that had a CAL on the client. (Primarily Windows 2000, but some XP clients purchased in a particular time range slipped under the bar as well).


As it turns out there’s one more step to carry out on Server 2008.

1. Launch the “Remote Desktop Services Host Configuration” console, and check the licensing section, it should give the licensing mode as “Per User” or “Per Device“. In my case it said “Not Specified”. It should also say a licensing server has been specified. (If it does not double click the incorrect entry).

2. Change the licensing mode and/or add a licensing server as required.

Per User or Per Device?

Per Device: CALs for the device get stored in the registry of the machine/device that access’s the TS/RDS server. When issued it expires after a number of days (a random number between 52 and 89 days) at this point it’s freed up to be issued again.

Per User: In this mode the CAL is issued to the user, if one user logs onto multiple devices you only use 1 licence.

Note: As a rule of thumb if you have more devices than users, choose per user. If you have more users than devices then choose per device.

Adding TS or RDS ‘Select’ Licences

You will need your select agreement number, and the amount of CALs you have purchased.

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Install and Configure Remote Desktop Services (Web Access)

KB ID 0000104


Originally we had TS Web in 2003, and while I had a little play with it, it basically just gave you RDP over web, which would have been good if it ran over HTTP or HTTPS, but it didn’t. Also, as anyone who has ever done a complex Google search for “/tsweb” will testify, left a nice big security hole in to your servers.

With the release of Server 2008 we got TSWeb 2008, this was a whole different beast, and the web portal was very similar in operation to Citrix Web Presentation Server.

With Server 2008 R2, Terminal Services became Remote Desktop Services, so if you only have a couple of clients (i.e. don’t need an application farm etc,) then this might be just what you need, and buying licences for Remote Desktop Services is a LOT cheaper than buying the same licences plus Citrix licences that are about three times the price per seat.

I originally wrote this for TSWeb 2008, and updated it for Remote Desktop Services 2008 R2, I’ll leave the older information at the bottom for anyone who is still running 2008 R1.


Setup Remote Desktop Services Web Access on Server 2008 R2

1. In this example I’ve got a fresh server which is a domain member, and I’m going to put the Licensing server and the same box. From server manager (ServerManager.msc) >Roles > Add Roles > Next > Remote Desktop Services > Next > Next.

2. Everything is going on one server, you may want to split roles up in a larger production environment, but here we are adding Remote Desktop Session Host, Remote Desktop Licensing, Remote Desktop Gateway > Remote Desktop Web Access > Next > Next.

Note: When selecting role services, you will be prompted to “add required role services”, please do so.

3. I’m choosing the least secure method (choose this if you have older client running older versions of the RDP client) > Next > Either select a Licensing model (per user or per device, or select configure later) > Next.

Note: The licensing model chosen MUST match the CALS that will be in the licensing server. (If you are unsure configure it later, then you will have 120 days grace period to sort it out).

4. Add in which user groups to want to allow access to the host server > Next.

5. Decide which options you want to allow, to enrich your end user experience > Next > I dont need a scope as all my RD Servers will be 2008 R2, it you have TS servers as well you will need to configure a scope > Next.

6. If you already have a certificate you can select it here, I’m going to manually import the certificate into IIS at the end of the procedure > Select “Now” to configure the access policies > Next.

7. Add in which user groups you want to allow through the Remote Desktop Gateway > Next.

8. At the RD CAP screen, I’m just going to use passwords > Next > Then at the RD RAP screen, I’m going to allow connections TO ANY computer > Next > Next > let it install the Network Policy Server component > Next.

9. Install > Then go and have a coffee.

10. When completed, select yes to reboot which it will do (twice).

11. After you log back into Windows the installation will complete > Close

Import and Enable a Digital Certificate in IIS7

12. Start > Administrative tools > Internet Information Services Manager > Select the {server-name} > Server certificates > From here you can either create a certificate request, or complete a request, and import a certificate.

13. Here is my certificate with the “friendly name” WebServer.

14. To enable my certificate right click the “Default Web Site” (Assuming that’s where you have RDWeb installed) > Edit Bindings.

15. Select HTTPS > Edit > And select your SSL certificate > OK.

16. Restart the website (or run “iisreset /noforce” from command line).

17. Start > Administrative Tools > Remote Desktop Services > RemoteApp Manager.

18. Anything that needs configuring will have a yellow warning triangle, or a red cross over it. First you will see it’s complaining that there are no computers in the “TS Web Access Computer ” group.

19. That’s just a LOCAL group on the server itself, launch ServerManager >Configuration > Local Users and Groups > Groups > Locate the group.

20. Add in your groups as required > Apply >OK.

21. Back in the RemoteApp Manger > Check the RD Session Host Server >Settings (on the menu on the right) > Make sure the PUBLIC name (which will be the CN on your digital certificate) is displayed NOT the LOCAL FQDN of the server. You can also tick the option (shown with the arrow) to display the RDP shortcut to your users on the web portal. > Apply > OK.

22. To do the next step, you need to have the applications you want to give to your users, actually installed on the server. > Either right click at the bottom, or select “Add RemoteApp Programs”.

23. Follow the wizard, and select the programs as required.

24. Click refresh > Make sure there’s no more red/yellow warnings > Close RemoteApp Manager.

25. To test it, connect to your server on https://{servername}/RDWeb and log in.

26. You applications should be shown, give them a test, here I’ll launch Outlook.

27. I already have Outlook configured on the Remote Desktop Server so mine just opens (your users will need to setup Outlook, if they don’t have a profile on the RD server already).

Setup Terminal Services Web Access on Server 2008 R1

1. Start > Server Manager (or Start > run > CompMgmtLauncher.exe (Enter) > Add Roles..

2. Next.

3. Tick Terminal Services > Tick Web Server IIS.

4. As soon as you select IIS > In the Pop up Select “Add Required Features”.

5. Next.

6. Next.

7. Select Terminal Server > TS Licensing > TS Gateway > At The Popup Select “Add Required Roles Services”.

8. Select TS Web Access > At the Popup Select “Add Required Roles Services”.

9. Next.

10 Next.

11 I’m going to select “Do Not require Network Level Authentication” > Next.

12. Next.

13. Next.

14. .I’m selecting “Configure Later” for the licensing (Like previous versions you get 120 days grace to sort this out) > Next.

15. Allowing Access to TS > By default the “Remote Desktop Users” group on the TS server is allowed access you can add additional groups here > Next.

16. Connect externally to https://{public_IP} (Note this has to be in the browsers trusted site list) > Enter a username and password > Login.

17. Select the scope you require for TS Licensing > Next.

18. Later > Next.

20. Next.

21. Next.

22. Next.

23. Next.

24. Install.

25. The Roles will install.

26. Close.

27. Click Yes to reboot.

28. After reboot installation will continue.

29. Close.

Deploying Applications

1. Start > Server Manager (or Start > run > CompMgmtLauncher.exe (Enter)) > Expand > Roles > Terminal Services > TS Remote App Manager > Select “Add Remote App Programs” (Right hand window).

2. Next.

3. Select the application you require or browse to its Executable > Next. >

4. Finish.

Connecting from a client

1. On a Client PC open internet explorer > Navigate to http://{serverIP or name}/ts > Note: If you do not have ActiveX enabled and the latest RDP client you may see this error.

2. There’s your applications > simply select one.

3. Enter your login credentials.

4. Wait for the application to deploy.

5. And there you go 🙂

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Windows Server 2008 R2 Deploying Applications with RemoteApp /p>

Original Article Written 02/11/11