Windows 8 – Empty Explorer.EXE Window Opens on Boot

KB ID 0000893 


After cleaning an infected Windows 8 machine, I was faced with an empty Explorer.EXE window with just a warning triangle like this every time the PC booted.


It was being caused by a piece of junk that was left in the registry.

1. Press Windows Key+R > type regedit {Enter} > The registry editor will open.

2. Navigate to;


HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWindows


3. Check the the existence of a string named ‘Load’ > If it exists, delete it and reboot to test.

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SBS – Stop the ‘SBS Console’

KB ID 0000212 


Every time you log into an SBS Server the “Windows SBS Console” loads, a lot of users will be quite happy with this, but it annoys me.

You can’t turn it off by simply ticking “Don’t Run” somewhere, like you can with “Server Manager” on the full server product, nor can you disable it with msconfig, or in the Registry.


1. On the SBS Server Click Start > Administrative Tools > Task Scheduler.

2. When it Loads > Expand Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Windows > Windows Small Business Server 2001 or 2008 > Select the ‘console’ task in the center window > then either “Delete” or “Disable” the task.

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Original Article written 26/03/10