You Do Not Have a Valid Subscription KB ID 0001870
I’m only just getting comfortable with Proxmox, whilst building a three node cluster recently I was pestered with this ‘nag’ dialog.
You do not have a valid subscription for this server. Please visit to get a list of available options.
Solution : You Do Not Have a Valid Subscription
I’m using this because it’s free, Even the community subscription has a fee (110 euros a socket?). To avoid a subscription and remove the nag dialog. Do the following.
SSH into the Proxmox host (or if you’re running it within VMware) open a console screen and logon as root.
Issue the following commands.
cd /usr/share/javascript/proxmox-widget-toolkit cp proxmoxlib.js proxmoxlib.js.bak nano proxmoxlib.js
The nano editor will open, Press CTRL+W (to search) search for locate checked_command > then directly below that line add the following text.
orig_cmd(); return;
Exit (CTRL+X) then press Y to save the changes, and finally {Enter} to save the file with the same name.
Then issue the following command.
systemctl restart pveproxy.service
IMPORTANT: At this point you will need to restart the browser connection to your Proxmox host, or the error will persist.
Repeat for your remaining Proxmox hosts.
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