One of the big drawbacks of Exchange management being built on PowerShell, and it talking to the PowerShell virtual director is, when IIS has a problem, you can’t manage your Exchange via the command shell, or the Exchange Management Console.
While trying to fix a problem last week I wanted to remove and recreate the PowerShell virtual directory, and I found the PowerShell command, but no working examples for the correct syntax.
1. Remember your Exchange Management Shell won’t work, so load the Windows Powershell Modules shell. (Note: You will find this one under Administrative tools, NOT the one on the taskbar).
2. To remove the PowerShell virtual directory from the default web site;
Remove-PowerShellVirtualDirectory “Powershell (Default Web Site)”
The MSM 765zl and 775zl, unlike the rest of the HP MSM controller series, do not have any physical Ethernet ports on them.
So before you can get to its web management interface, you need to be able to give it an IP address, and then the controller needs to be able to find a route back to where you are, assuming you are not on a flat unrouted/single VLAN. Obviously if you are directly connected to the same network segment then you can set the devices ‘default route’ from the web management console.
1. Connect to the chassis that the controller is in, either via telnet or console cable. As I outlined in an earlier article you need to find the controllers slot letter and index number with a services command. (If you are sat in front of the switch the slot letter should already be known!)
2. Now, connect to the MSM directly and give the controller its LAN and WANIP addresses.
Note: HP call them LAN and WAN interfaces, (I know it’s confusing), the WAN interface does not have to connect to the WAN it only points in that direction. I’m assuming it’s a throw back from when these devices were developed by Colubris.
[box] CORE-SW# services F 2
CORE-SW(msm765-aplication-F)> enable
CORE-SW(msm765-aplication-F)# config
CORE-SW(msm765-aplication-F)(config)# interface ip wan
CORE-SW(msm765-aplication-F)(config-if-ip)# ip address
CORE-SW(msm765-aplication-F)(config-if-ip)# ip address mode static
CORE-SW(msm765-aplication-F)(config-if-ip)# end
CORE-SW(msm765-aplication-F)(config)# interface ip lan
CORE-SW(msm765-aplication-F)(config-if-ip)# ip address
CORE-SW(msm765-aplication-F)(config-if-ip)# ip address mode static
CORE-SW(msm765-aplication-F)(config-if-ip)# end
3. Now if you are on the same network (or VLAN) as the controller, you should be able to connect to the web management console. If not you will need to do two further steps
a) Connect the TWO virtual ports of the MSM to the correct VLANs on the switch.
b) Add a route back to the network you are on, either by setting a default route (if there is only one) or a static route.
Connect The Two MSM Virtual Ports
At this point the MSM blade can be treated like any other blade with Ethernet ports on it. Above we found out the blade was in slot F, so the ports with show up on the chassis switch as F1 and F2.
Port number 1: Is the WAN/Internet port Port number 2: Is the LAN port
At the very least the WAN port should be in a different VLAN like so;
If all your LAN traffic is on VLAN 1 (which is the default), then the MSM LAN port will already be untagged in VLAN 1. If not you will also need to present the MSM LAN port to the LAN VLAN.
Adding Default and Static Routes to the MSM controller.
The controller needs a default route, or it will not be able to send traffic out of the local LAN. In a simple flat network that should be all that you need. But if you have multiple network segments (or VLANs), then it will also need a static route adding for each of these. This is important for both access to the web management console, and because your wireless access points need to be able to speak to the controller! If your wireless access points are on a different network you may need to follow the article below to let them know where the controller is.
CORE-SW# services F 2
CORE-SW(msm765-aplication-F)> enable
CORE-SW(msm765-aplication-F)# config
CORE-SW(msm765-aplication-F)(config)# ip route gateway 1
If you need to add additional routes the syntax is the same as above.
CORE-SW(msm765-aplication-F)(config)# ip route gateway 1
CORE-SW(msm765-aplication-F)(config)# ip route gateway 1
Now you should be able to connect to the web management console and configure your wireless networks, this process is identical to configuring the physical controllers, like the MSM 720 see the link below.