Cisco SFR Cant Ping its Default Gateway?

KB ID 0001575


This is a strange one? I was deploying FirePOWER to a pair of ASA 5550-8-X firewalls in Active / Standby failover last week. After each SFR was updated (via ASDM.) I could no longer ‘ping it’, the SFR itself could ping everything on the same VLAN, APART from its own default gateway, (which was an SVI on the Cisco 3750 switch it was connected to).

This happened every time I updated the SFR, (or re-imaged it.) Then after an hour or so it was fine?


If I connected to the switch that the SFR, (and firewall) was connected to, I could NOT ping the SFR. The interface was up/up on the switch, and the firewalls Management interface was also up/up.



Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 0 percent (0/5)


I did notice it was in the ARP table though, (with the correct MAC address), So I manually removed it;


Petes-3750#clear ip arp


Then it was fine?



Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms


Now the ASDM would connect fine without complaining about the FirePOWER module.

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PowerShell – Getting Server IP Address Information

KB ID 0001404


I’ve been rebuilding some Hyper-V hosts over the last few weeks, and one thing I learned rebuilding VMware ESX hosts is, ‘make sure you know what all the network cards are doing before you flatten it!’

The same is true of storage as well but here I’m just concentrating on networking.

List Network Cards and MAC Addresses

If you have these documented you can rename the network card correctly after the rebuild and the mac addresses ensure you have the right names assigned to the right NICs. (Without having to go and check all the cabling afterwards!)

[box]Get-NetAdapter | Select Name, MACAddress, vlanID[/box]

List Network Teams and Members

From the names of the network connections above we can see we are using network teaming, but even if yours dont have sensible names, you can get the team names and the NICs that are a member of each team with the following command;


List NICs and IP addresses

To see what IP addresses are in use on which NICs, (physical or virtual) use the following;

[box]Get-NetIPAddress -AddressState Preferred -AddressFamily IPv4 | Select Name, IPAddress, PrefixLength[/box]

Hyper-V: Get vSwitch and Virtual NIC info

As stated above, I’m rebuilding Hyper-V hosts, the following lists all the Management vSwitch(es) and vNICS, (and their names).

[box]Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS[/box]

Hyper-V: Get vSwitch and Virtual NIC VLAN info

In addition to above, I also need to know the VLANs the vNICs are on.

[box]Get-VMNetworkAdapterVLAN -ManagementOS[/box]

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NetScaler – Locate the Host ID

KB ID 0001187 


To apply a license to your NetScaler you need the supply the Host ID to the licensing portal. A quick internet search yielded the commands, but the were not working?


Note: If this is a new installation, the username and password will both be set to nsroot.

Whatever I was reading, didn’t tell me I needed to drop to shell mode!


lmutil lmhostid


As you can see this ones 0050569d5a96, (which I saw listed elsewhere are the appliances MAC address, however pinging the device yelled a different (similar) MAC address.


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HP Networking – Tracing Networks and Locating IP addresses

KB ID 0001110

After not touching one for a couple of years, I was back on HP switches recently, and I had to map out a clients switches. Now I could have used some software, but they didn’t have SNMP enabled so, I had to ‘re acquaint’ myself with LLDP.

For a basic LLDP View of attached devices.


HP-Switch-1# show lldp info remote-device

 LLDP Remote Devices Information

  LocalPort | ChassisId                 PortId PortDescr SysName
  --------- + ------------------------- ------ --------- ----------------------
  10        |       Gig...
  10        | 00 1c f6 c8 55 8f         || ... Gigabi...
  13        |       Gig...
  13        | 00 1c f6 c8 55 92         || ... Gigabi...
  23        | c0 91 34 dd 3b c0         23     23        HP-Switch-2
  24        | c0 91 34 dd 3b c0         24     24        HP-Switch-2


For a More Detailed LLDP View of attached devices.

Note: This command will NOT show up in the help menu!


HP-Switch-1# show lldp info remote all

 LLDP Remote Device Information Detail

  Local Port   : 10
  ChassisType  : local
  ChassisId    :
  PortType     : local
  PortId       : GigabitEthernet0/15
  SysName      :
  System Descr : Cisco IOS Software, C2960 Software (C2960-LANBASE-M), Ver...
  PortDescr    :

  System Capabilities Supported  : bridge
  System Capabilities Enabled    : bridge

  Remote Management Address
     Type    : ipv4
     Address :

  Local Port   : 10
  ChassisType  : mac-address
  ChassisId    : 00 1c f6 c8 55 8f
  PortType     : inte...
  PortId       : || PeteNet || 10Mb ||...
  SysName      :
  System Descr : Cisco IOS Software, C2960 Software (C2960-LANBASE-M), Ver...
  PortDescr    : GigabitEthernet0/15

  System Capabilities Supported  : bridge, router
  System Capabilities Enabled    :

  Remote Management Address
     Type    : ipv4
     Address :

  Local Port   : 13
  ChassisType  : local
  ChassisId    :
  PortType     : local
  PortId       : GigabitEthernet0/18
  SysName      :
  System Descr : Cisco IOS Software, C2960 Software (C2960-LANBASE-M), Ver...
  PortDescr    :

  System Capabilities Supported  : bridge
  System Capabilities Enabled    : bridge

  Remote Management Address
     Type    : ipv4
     Address :

  Local Port   : 13
  ChassisType  : mac-address
  ChassisId    : 00 1c f6 c8 55 92
  PortType     : inte...
  PortId       : || PeteNet || Previou...
  SysName      :
  System Descr : Cisco IOS Software, C2960 Software (C2960-LANBASE-M), Ver...
  PortDescr    : GigabitEthernet0/18

  System Capabilities Supported  : bridge, router
  System Capabilities Enabled    :

  Remote Management Address
     Type    : ipv4
     Address :

  Local Port   : 23
  ChassisType  : mac-address
  ChassisId    : c0 91 34 dd 3b c0
  PortType     : local
  PortId       : 23
  SysName      : HP-Switch-2
  System Descr : HP J9145A 2910al-24G Switch, revision W.15.13.0014, ROM W...
  PortDescr    : 23

  System Capabilities Supported  : bridge, router
  System Capabilities Enabled    : bridge, router

  Remote Management Address
     Type    : ipv4
     Address :

  Poe Plus Information Detail

    Poe Device Type         : Type2 PSE
    Power Source            : Unknown
    Power Priority          : Unknown
    Requested Power Value   : 0 Watts
    Actual Power Value      : 0 Watts

  Local Port   : 24
  ChassisType  : mac-address
  ChassisId    : c0 91 34 dd 3b c0
  PortType     : local
  PortId       : 24
  SysName      : HP-Switch-2
  System Descr : HP J9145A 2910al-24G Switch, revision W.15.13.0014, ROM W...
  PortDescr    : 24

  System Capabilities Supported  : bridge, router
  System Capabilities Enabled    : bridge, router

  Remote Management Address
     Type    : ipv4
     Address :

  Poe Plus Information Detail

    Poe Device Type         : Type2 PSE
    Power Source            : Unknown
    Power Priority          : Unknown
    Requested Power Value   : 0 Watts
    Actual Power Value      : 0 Watts


To find what Port an IP address is on

First ping the IP address, to make sure that the switch has the MAC address you are looking at, in its ARP cache.


HP-Switch-1# ping is alive, time = 3 ms


Then look for it in the ARP cache;


HP-Switch-1# show arp

 IP ARP table

  IP Address       MAC Address       Type    Port
  ---------------  ----------------- ------- ----    e8b748-c757b0     dynamic 13    005056-a61c1c     dynamic 5  << It’s on port 5    005056-a606d9     dynamic 7


Or if you already know its MAC address;


HP-Switch-1# show mac-address 005056-a61c1c

 Status and Counters - Address Table - 005056-a61c1c



Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Cisco IOS – Enabling LLDP

VMware View 5 – Configure and Deploy Clients in ‘Kiosk Mode’

KB ID 0000610 


Kiosk mode is quite useful, if you have some machines that you want to put in a public area for visitors to use, or for machines that are used in displays etc. Or if you have some older PC’s that you just want to repurpose as internet terminals or ‘point of sale’ box’s.

Essentially it’s a system that delivers a virtual VMware View desktop to a PC or Thin client without the need to authenticate to the connection server. Kiosk authentication is disabled by default, so you need to run a few commands to get it enabled.


Before starting you will need a Virtual Machine ready to be used for the Kiosk machine. You might want to create this machine with a “nonpersistent” disk.

Configure Windows 7 to be a VMware View Desktop

Step 1: Prepare Active Directory

1. Set yourself up an OU to hold your kiosk machine, and a security group that will contain the user account you are going to create later.

Step 2: Configure the VMware Connection Server

2. Now log into your VMware Connection Server, open a command window with elevated privileges. then issue the following command;

[box]vdmadmin -Q -clientauth -setdefaults -ou “OU=Kiosk,OU=ViewDesktops,DC=petenetlive,DC=com” -noexpirepassword -group kioskusers[/box]

Note: where kioskusers is the name of the group you created.

3. Now I will create a user ‘custom-kiosk-user’ with a password of ‘Password123’, and put him in the OU and group we created earlier;

[box]vdmadmin -Q -clientauth -add -domain petenetlive -clientid custom-kiosk-user -password “Password123” -ou “OU=Kiosk,OU=ViewDesktops,DC=petenetlive,DC=com” -group kioskusers -description “Kiosk Terminal”[/box]

Note: Alternatively you can create a user that matches the MAC address of the client machine and auto generate a password like so, (this assumes the thin client or PC’s MAC addresses is 3C:4A:92:D3:12:1C).

4. Then allow this connection server to accept kiosk connections with the following command;

[box]vdmadmin -Q -enable -s PNL-CS[/box]

Note: Where PNL-CS is the name of my VMware Connection Server.

5. You can view the settings configured on this connection server with the following command;

[box]vdmadmin -Q -clientauth -list[/box]

6. While still on your connection server open VMware View Administrator, and create a ‘Pool’ for your Kiosk machine.

7. Manual Pool > Next.

8. Dedicated > Next.

9. vCenter virtual Machines > Next.

10. Next.

11. Give the pool an ID and Display name > Next.

12. Select the machine you are using as the source for the Kiosk machine > Next.

13. When the pool is created > Entitlements.

14. Add in the group that you created in step 1 > OK.

15. Just check on the ‘desktops’ tab and make sure the machine is listed as ‘available’.

Step 3: Connect to the Kiosk Machine

16. Now from your client machine or thin client, you can execute the following command to open the kiosk session.

[box]c:program filesvmwarevmware viewclientbinwswc” -unattended -serverURL PNL-CS -userName custom-kiosk-user -password “Password123″[/box]

Note: In a live environment you may want to make the host machine or thin client automatically log on and put this command in the ‘startup’ folder, or call it from a startup/logon script so the machine will boot straight into the kiosk virtual machine.

17. All being well you should be presented with the kiosk VM machine, note you no longer get the normal VMware View tool bar etc, it will behave as if the machine is in front of you.

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Deploying VMware View 5

HP 1810-8G Switch – Setup and Management


KB ID 0000732 


For such a ‘baby’ switch this has a LOT of features, I had to lock down the speed and duplex settings on one of the switch ports today. The main details you will be looking for are,

Default IP address =

Default Password = blank


1. Put yourself on the same network: Windows Key+R > ncpa.cpl {enter} > Right click your network connection > Properties > Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP) > properties > Set yout IP to and set the subnet mask to > OK > OK.

2. Open a web browser and navigate to log in with a blank password.

3. To Change the Switches IP: Setup Network

4. To change Speed/Duplex Settings: Switching > Port Configuration

5. To change the password: Maintenance > Password Manager.

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Cisco Catalyst – Find out What Port an IP Address is Plugged Into

KB ID 0001022 


I networked some gear this afternoon, and I made a mental note of the ports I patched into on the switch. On the way back to the office I got side-tracked. By the time I got back to my desk I could not remember what port I had used, and I wanted to add a description to the port.

This is not my server room 🙂

So I knew the IP address but not the port number, how can you find that out?


1. My IP address is, let’s ping that from the switch.


Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/5/17 ms


2. Well I can ping it so, there must be an entry in my ARP cache, and I can find the MAC address for that IP.


Petes-Switch#show ip arp
Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface
Internet 5 0080.a394.e2de ARPA Vlan100


3. Armed with the MAC address I can take a peek in the MAC Address table.


Petes-Switch#show mac address-table address 0080.a394.e2de
Mac Address Table

Vlan Mac Address Type Ports
---- ----------- -------- -----
40 0080.a394.e2de DYNAMIC Gi0/40 <<Boom! there it is!
Total Mac Addresses for this criterion: 1


Note: I knew that my device was a single device plugged into a port, but if you don’t know this, there is a chance that the physical port you track down, might just be the uplink to another switch, that your device is plugged into. Or you’re at the end of a lot of switches, this is just the next step towards your device). If that is the case you would have several MAC addresses on that physical port, like so;


Petes-Switch##show mac address-table interface GigabitEthernet 0/48
Mac Address Table

Vlan Mac Address Type Ports
---- ----------- -------- -----
40 6412.25ea.ca80 DYNAMIC Gi0/48
40 d072.dcac.becc DYNAMIC Gi0/48
120 6412.25ea.ca80 DYNAMIC Gi0/48
120 d072.dcac.becc DYNAMIC Gi0/48
122 6412.25ea.ca80 DYNAMIC Gi0/48
122 d072.dcac.becc DYNAMIC Gi0/48
121 6412.25ea.ca80 DYNAMIC Gi0/48
121 d072.dcac.becc DYNAMIC Gi0/48
Total Mac Addresses for this criterion: 8


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