vCenter – Management Ports

KB ID 0001324 


A while ago my colleague was struggling to get into a vCenter server. Normal https (TCP 443) wasn’t letting him in, I knew you could manage the appliance directly, (but I couldn’t remember the port number!) He knew there was an alternate port number, but we didn’t know what it was.


vCenter Appliance (Direct) Management Port

TCP: 5480

i.e. https://{ip-or-host-name}:5480

vCenter / vSphere Management Port

TCP: 443

i.e. https://{ip-or-host-name}

vCenter / vSphere Alternative Management Port

TCP: 9443

i.e. https://{ip-or-host-name}:9443

Note: You can also connect to the PSC, (Platform Services Controller) If you installed this role on the same appliance. The URL for that is https://{ip-or-host-name}/psc 

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