Exchange – Delete and Recreate the PowerShell Virtual Directory

KB ID 0000700 


One of the big drawbacks of Exchange management being built on PowerShell, and it talking to the PowerShell virtual director is, when IIS has a problem, you can’t manage your Exchange via the command shell, or the Exchange Management Console.

While trying to fix a problem last week I wanted to remove and recreate the PowerShell virtual directory, and I found the PowerShell command, but no working examples for the correct syntax.


1. Remember your Exchange Management Shell won’t work, so load the Windows Powershell Modules shell. (Note: You will find this one under Administrative tools, NOT the one on the taskbar).

2. To remove the PowerShell virtual directory from the default web site;

Remove-PowerShellVirtualDirectory “Powershell (Default Web Site)”

3. Confirm by pressing A {enter}.

4. To recreate the PowerShell virtual directory;

[box]New-PowerShellVirtualDirectory -Name Powershell -RequireSSL:$False [/box]

5. You can restart the web services with the following command;

iisreset /noforce


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Original article written 22/12/12