Stop Windows Asking for a Password after it Locks Itself

KB ID 0000684 


By default after a while my Windows 8 laptop ‘Locks itself’ and afterwards it requires a password to unlock it. I don’t want it to do that, I do want to be able to lock it myself, and I don’t want it to log on without a password when I log on.

To completely remove the lock screen see, Windows 8 – Disable the ‘Lock Screen’.


1. Move the cursor to the right hand side of the screen, select settings > PC Settings.

2. On the users menu, you need to press the ‘Change’ Button, below the ‘Any user who has a password must enter it when waking this PC’. But as you can see mine was greyed out, and it says ‘Security policies on this PC are preventing you form changing this setting. If yours does NOT say this press the change button and skip to step 6.

3. To remove that block, Press the Windows Key+X to bring up the advanced context menu > Control Panel > User Accounts > Reset Security Policies.

4. Reset Policies.

5. Now you should be able to repeat the process and this time press the ‘Change’ button.

6. OK to confirm.

7. Now you no longer need to enter a password, to wake up the PC.

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