Upgrade Your Microsoft PKI Environment to SHA2 (SHA256)

KB ID 0001244 


This is pretty much PART TWO of two posts addressing the need to migrate away from SHA1 before February 2017. Back in PART ONE we looked at how to upgrade the ROOT CA. It does not matter if it’s an offline or online root CA the process is the same. In many organisations their PKI is multi tiered, they either have a RootCA <> SubCA, or a ROOTCA <> IntermediateCA <> IssuingCA. (which is actually two SubCA’s).


Below I’ll run though the process to upgrade the SubCA once the RootCA has already been done, Ill also look at how that’s going to affect things like NDES (Network Device Enrolment System).


Before we think about SubCA’s the RootCA needs to be upgraded first, if it’s offline bring it online and follow the steps outlined in the previous article.

Certificate Services – Migrate from SHA1 to SHA2 (SHA256)

So your RootCA will now look like this before we start;

Note: If it’s normally offline leave it on, (we need it to issue the SubCA certificate).

The command to change the CA from SHA1 to SHA256 is the same one we used on the RootCA, you will then need to restart the Certificate Services.


certutil -setreg ca\csp\CNGHashAlgorithm SHA256
net stop certsvc
net start certsvc


As with the RootCA, we need to re-generate the CA certificate.


If your RootCA is online, and an Enterprise CA, you can submit the request directly to it, and skip the next few steps, but let’s take the ‘worst case’ scenario, and assume our Root CA is offline, (and even when online has no network connections) we have to do the submission manually, (via floppy disk).

Floppy Disks? What Year Is This? Well moving files between virtual machines is simple using virtual floppy disks, if you have physical machines, then you need to go hunting in drawers and cupboards!

Either way, we are doing this manually so select CANCEL.


Copy your certificate request from the root of the system drive to your floppy drive.

Then present the floppy to your RootCA, and issue the following command;


certreq -submit "A:\02-SUB-CA.cabench.com_cabench-02-SUB-CA-CA.req"


You will be given a ‘RequestID‘, write it down, (you will need it in a minute). Leave the command window open!

In the Certificate Services Management Console > Open ‘Pending Requests’ > Locate the RequestID number you noted above, and issue the certificate.

Back at your command window, retrieve the certificate with the following command, (use the RequestID again);


certreq -retrieve 4 “A:\02-SUB-CA.cabench.com_cabench-02-SUB-CA-CA.crt


 Take your floppy back to the SubCA, and install the certificate. (Change file types to ‘All Files’).

Now your SubCA is using a SHA256 certificate.

Repeat the process for any further SubCA’s


I Use NDES How Will That Be Affected?


Having had problems with certificates and NDES before, I was concerned about this the most, because I have to look after a lot of Cisco equipment, that gets certs from NDES, (or SCEP if you prefer). I’m happy to say NDES worked fine with SHA256 certificates. Below I successfully issued certs to a Cisco ASA (Running 9.2(4)).


Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Certificate Services – Migrate from SHA1 to SHA2 (SHA256)

Windows Server 2012 – Install and Configure NDES

Cisco ASA – Enrolling for Certificates with NDES

Cisco IOS – Enrolling for Certificates with NDES

Windows Server – Locate CA / Certificate Services

KB ID 0001163


A colleague was having some certificate problems onsite the other week. Someone suggested just using Certificate Services to simplify matters. I said I’d spin it up and configure it for him, (I’ve done a lot of Microsoft CA work, search the site!)

My fist question was, “Do they already have certificate services?’, unsurprisingly the answer was “I don’t know”.

So if you’re on a domain, and you want to locate your CA server, or simply find out if you have one, what do you do?


The simplest option is look in Active Directory Users and Computers, then locate the ‘Cert Publishers’ group and look at its members.

Or you can run adsiedit.msc >  CN=Certification Authorities, CN=Public Key Services, CN=Services, CN=Configuration, DC={domain-name},DC={domain-extension}

Easy Option: If you’re lazy, (like me!) Simply run the following command;


certutil –config – -ping


If you don’t have any CA’s this is what you will see;

But if you do (below there is one, but there may be many);

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links