Ubuntu – Installing Java

KB ID 0000395 


Did you know you can install Java and Flash with the Ubuntu Restricted extras pack? click here

Im not a big fan of Java, In the past I’ve either had the wrong version, or it’s made something run like a dog, but I need it for the Cisco management stuff I need to do. (Guess what the next article is going to be 🙂 Like Adobe Flash, there seems to be a lot of different info out on the web about how to do this, so it took me a while to do something that was painfully easy in the end.


1. Click Applications > Ubuntu Software Centre > Type “java” in the search terms > Locate OpenJDK Java 6 Runtime.

2. Hit install.

3. You may be asked to authenticate, do so. My netbook is a little slow so at this point it appeared to hand for a while (Go and have a brew! It will be finished by the time you come back.


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Also See Ubuntu (Chrome) Installing Adobe Flash

Ubuntu – Initial Setup, Restricted Extras, Screenlets and Cairo Dock

KB ID 0000407


You have taken the plunge and installed Ubuntu, what are you going to do next? Here’s some stuff to make your experience a little bit better.


Restricted Extras installs flash, Java, Some Codec Packs and the Microsoft core font pack. Screenlets are a collection of desktop Gadgets/Widgets. And Cairo dock is a customisable screen dock/launch pad for your applications.

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