Bulk Creating Users For Your Test Network

KB ID 0000784 


Update Jan 2023: Feel free to use this Bulk-Create-AD-Users-Script (Just remeber to change the domain details in the “Global Variables’ Sections to give you 10o0 users, with sensible names addreeses etc.

Having a test network, is great for both learning, and testing. I’ve got some major migrations coming up in the next few months, so I’m in the process of running up some new test servers. I usually run a quick .vbs file like this;


Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE")
Set objContainer = GetObject("LDAP://cn=Users," & _

For i = 1 To 1000
Set objLeaf = objContainer.Create("User", "cn=UserNo" & i)
objLeaf.Put "sAMAccountName", "UserNo" & i
WScript.Echo "1000 Users created."


Save that as createusers.vbs and run it on your domain controller and it will churn out 1000 users (named UserNo1 – UserNo1000). They will be disabled, with no passwords, but that can be rectified with a few mouse clicks.

But I want something a little more realistic, so I found a random name generator, and decided to have a script to create 1000 users that were a little more ‘lifelike’.


1. Download this zip file, and extract it to your desktop. To run the script you will need to set your Execution Policy with the following command;

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted[/box]

2. You will need to change a couple of lines in the newusers.ps1 file open it with notepad and change the domain details to match yours;


$TargetOU = [ADSI]“LDAP://CN=Users,DC=pnl,DC=com”
foreach ($user in import-csv usernames.csv)
$newUser = $TargetOU.Create(“user”,“cn=” +$user.login)
$newUser.put(“sn”, $user.Last)
$newUser.put(“DisplayName”, $user.First + ” “ +$user.Last)
$newUser.put(“givenName”, $user.First)
$newUser.put(“userPrincipalName”,$user.login + “@pnl.com”)
$newUser.put(“userAccountControl”, 512)


3. Change directory to the folder with your script in, and run it, it will put the details from the usernames spreadsheet;


cd Desktop/New_Users


3. Look in Active Directory and there are your new users.

Bulk Creating Mailbox’s for your Users

Now I’ve got my users in AD, I want them all to have a mailbox, so a quick PowerShell command;

Get-User -OrganizationalUnit “pnl.com/users/” -ResultSize Unlimited | Enable-Mailbox -Database “Mailbox-Database” [/box]

It will throw out the odd error (e.g. if it finds users that are already mail enabled), that’s OK.

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PowerShell: Disable MFA For All O365 Users

KB ID 0001655


If you have something boring/repetitive to do then Powershell is your friend! I needed to do this for a client that’s replacing their Office365/Azure AD MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) with Duo.


Connect to your Microsoft Services Online, i.e. Office365/Azure, using your administrative credentials with the following command;




Then (Note: I’ve got more than 1000 users so I need to add the MaxResults switch).


Get-MsolUser -MaxResults 2000 | Set-MsolUser -StrongAuthenticationRequirements @()


Office 365: Disable MFA For One User

Similar to above;


Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName {user-name} | Set-MsolUser -StrongAuthenticationRequirements @()


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How to Convert FLAC files to MP3 (For Free)

KB ID 0000780


Some audiophile types love FLAC files, but I can’t really tell the difference between a flac file and an mp3. All my digital music collection is in mp3 format (I convert all the iTunes stuff I buy from m4a to mp3 as soon as i get it). You can convert flac to mp3 using WinAmp Pro (but that’s not free). This method is completely free and preserves any tags (artist name, track name album name etc) information.


1. Download and install Foobar2000, select typical install and accept all the defaults.

2. Download the Lame MP3 Encoder (Note: this is the x64 bit version) open the zip file and copy all the files.

3. Create a new folder in C:Program Files called Lame, and paste in all the files you copied above.

Note: You don’t need to install anything, the files just need to be there.

4. Launch Foobar2000, and drag in all the flac files you want to convert.

5. Right Click > Convert > Select the bottom option [….]

6. Output format.

7. Select MP3 > Edit.

8. Drag the quality slider to 320kbps > OK.

9. Back.

10. Convert

11. Select the folder you want to output the MP3 files to.

12. Navigate to C:Program Files and locate lame.exe (unless you have put it somewhere else).

13. The tracks will be converted.

14. When complete it will show you the converter output.

15. Your new Mp3 tracks should be in the location you specified.

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