vCenter and PSC: IE Content Was Blocked

KB ID 0001440


I’d just installed a new vCenter and Platform Services Controller for a client this week. When I tried to access the web consoles I saw this.

Content was blocked because it was not signed by a valid security certificate
For information see “About Certificate Errors” in Internet Explorer Help.

No amount of allowing certificates without revocation, and tinkering with the registry would let me in?


I cant believe how annoyingly simple it was to solve in the end! Go the the end of the URL and remove ‘/?csp’, problem solved

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Windows Server 2012 R2 – Stop IE Opening ‘In Metro’

KB ID 0001119 


I was working on some Server 2012 R2 servers this morning, and every time I tried to launch IE, instead of the normal IE 11, it stubbornly kept opening the the IE App.


Hit the Windows key > Type in ‘internet options’ > make the following changes;

Programs Tab > Opening Internet Explorer > Select ‘Always in Internet Explorer on the desktop’ > Apply > OK.

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