Migrated WordPress Site – Homepage Works, All Other Pages/Links Fail

Migrated WordPress Site – Homepage Works, All Other Pages/Links Fail

KB ID 0001126  Problem I’m in the process of migrating the site back to its original VPS now that the site re-write and redesign has been completed. I used a plugin (UpdraftPlus) to backup the site, and its database, and then restored it to the new server. After the restore I connected to the new server and there was the site in all its glory 🙂 However, every single link I clicked gave me a; Not Found The requested URL {Path}...

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RSS Error – Your feed appears to be encoded as “UTF8”, but your server is reporting “US-ASCII”

RSS Error – Your feed appears to be encoded as “UTF8”, but your server is reporting “US-ASCII”

KB ID 0000889  Problem I don’t validate and check the sites RSS feed as often as I should, but post server migration I got this error; This feed is valid, but interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations. Your feed appears to be encoded as “UTF8”, but your sever is reporting “US-ASCII” Solution As you can see by the section I’ve...

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Google Analytics – Redundant Hostnames

Google Analytics – Redundant Hostnames

(Redirecting non www URL’s to www URL’s) KB ID 0001016  Problem I noticed this a while back, apparently Google Analytics started flagging this for many users on October 14th 2014. But I’ve only just got round to sorting it out. If you are seeing this error its because your site is ‘addressable’ in more than one way, in my case you could get to me via http://petenetlive and http://www.petenetlive.com. I...

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Apache is Ignoring the .htaccess file

Apache is Ignoring the .htaccess file

KB ID 0000890 Problem The .htaccess file is a file that lives in a directory on a web server. Its job is to provide ‘settings’ that would normally be set in the servers httpd.conf file. You can put a .htaccess file in any directory to control the settings for that directory, (providing .htaccess override has been allowed). After having some problems the other day, I made a change to mine, then reliased the change was not...

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