VMware ESXi – Converting ‘Thick’ Provisioned Drives to ‘Thin’, and ‘Thin’ to ‘Thick’

VMware ESXi – Converting ‘Thick’ Provisioned Drives to ‘Thin’, and ‘Thin’ to ‘Thick’

KB ID 0000579  Problem Thin provisioning of hard drives is pretty cool stuff, full support for thin provisioning was brought in with vSphere version 4. Put simply a thin proviosioned drive is as big as it needs to be, and a thick provisioned drive is set to its maximum size when it’s created. The virtual machines that use these hard drives don’t know, and assume that their hard drive is a set size (even if it is thin...

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Slipstreaming Hyper-V

Slipstreaming Hyper-V

KB ID 0000092 Problem Anyone who has tried the version of Hyper-V that came in the first release of Server2008 may well have written it off as a bad lot, In Microsoft’s defence it was still a Beta product in that initial release, but for many the damage has now already been done. (It seems the mistakes made by releasing “Longhorn Beta 1.00001 to the public have still not been learned). I’ve been meaning to spend more...

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