Group Won’t Accept Mail From ‘Outside’

KB ID 0001771


Exchange has been this way for a long time here’s me explaining this very problem with older versions of Exchange. If you create a ‘Group’, be that a Distribution Group, or a ‘Microsoft 365’ Group, the default setting is to NOT ALLOW mail from anyone outside your organisation. If you attempt to send mail to that group you will see errors like these;


550 5.7.133 RESOLVER.RST.SenderNotAuthenticatedForGroup; authentication required; Delivery restriction check failed because the sender was not authenticated when sending to this group

550 5.7.133 RESOLVER.RST.SenderNotAuthenticatedForGroup; authentication required; Delivery restriction check failed because the sender not authenticated when sending to the group’

550 5.7.193 UnifiedGroupAgent; Delivery failed because the sender isn’t a group member or external senders aren’t permitted to send to this group.

Allow External Senders (On Premises & Hybrid Exchange)

If you have your own on premises Exchange server, this includes those of you that have migrated to Exchange online, but are in Hybrid Mode and are syncing your domain objects into Microsoft/Office 365 (Azure). Then you should change this setting in the on premises Exchange Admin Centre.

Recipients > Groups > Select the group in question  > Edit > Delivery Management > Change to ‘Senders inside and outside of my organisation’ > Save.

Note: Remember in hybrid mode this will need to sync to Microsoft online, so apply the ‘cup of coffee rule’ before testing it.

Allow External Senders Office/Microsoft 365 (Exchange Online)

Classic Exchange Admin Center

Recipients > Groups > Select the group in question  > Edit > Delivery Management > Change to ‘Senders inside and outside of my organisation’ > Save.


New Exchange Admin Center

Microsoft 365 Groups: Recipients > Groups > Microsoft 365 > ‘Double Click’ the group in question > Settings  > Allow external senders to email this group > Save.

Distribution Groups: Recipients > Groups > Distribution List > ‘Double Click’ the group in question > Settings  > Edit Delivery Management.

Allow messages from people inside and outside my organisation > Save changes.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links


Locate your FSMO Role Servers

KB ID 0000221


You would like to know which servers are holding which roles. To move your FSMO Servers CLICK HERE


FSMO Servers

There are five FSMO (Flexible Single Master Operations) Roles that need to Exist in a Windows AD Forest.

  • PDC Emulator (One per domain)
  • RID Master (One per domain)
  • Schema Master (One per forest)
  • Domain Naming Master (One per forest)
  • Infrastructure Master (One per domain)

But I’ve Googled it, and it says there are Seven FSMO Roles?

To save arguments there are two further roles;

  • Domain DNS Zone Master role (One per domain)
  • Forest DNS Zone Master role (One per forest)

These two roles are not well documented, and there is no way to display or transfer them, (without using ADSIEdit.)

Locate FSMO Servers via Command

Option 1: PowerShell

Use the following commands;


Get-ADDomain | Select-Object DistinguishedName, SchemaMaster, DomainNamingMaster, InfrastructureMaster, PDCEmulator, RIDMaster

Get-ADForest | Select-Object Name,SchemaMaster, DomainNamingMaster, InfrastructureMaster, PDCEmulator, RIDMaster


Option 2: Command Line

1. Start > Run cmd {enter}

2. Execute the following command. (Note: Older versions of Windows servers will need the support tools installing to run the netdom command).

In a Forest;

[box]netdom query /domain:YOURDOMAINNAME fsmo[/box]

In a Single Domain;

[box]netdom query fsmo[/box]

Locate FSMO Servers Graphically


1. Go to a domain controller.

2. Start > run > dsa.msc {enter}

3. Right click domain name > Operations masters

Note: You can change the server holding these roles from this console.

To view the SCHEMA MASTER graphically do the following

1. Start > Run > regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll {enter} > OK

2. Start > run > mmc {enter}.

3. File > Add / Remove Snap-In > Add > Active Directory Schema > Add Close > OK

4. Right Click “Active Directory Schema” > Operations Master.


1. Start > Run > domain.msc {enter}

2. Right Click “Active Directory Domains and Trusts” > Operations Master.

General Rules for FSMO Placement

If you only have 1 domain in the forest everything goes in that one domain.

If not….

Forest Root Domain gets the Domain Naming Master, and the Schema Master roles

Each Domain gets The PDC Emulator, Infrastructure Master and RID Master roles.

Though not an FSMO role each logon location should have a Global Catalogue server

(Note: Yes you can cache logon requests and have Read only domain controllers now but in an ideal world I still place a GC at each site)

FSMO Placement

1. Do not put the Infrastructure Master on a Global Catalogue Server (see below for how to see if a domain controller is a global Catalogue server).

2. The PDC Emulator and RID Master should be on the same Server, If possible NOT on a Global Catalogue Server (though not essential).

3. The Schema Master and Domain Naming Master should be on the same machine that IS a Global Catalogue Server. (This is not true if your forest functional level is Windows Server 2003).

Locate Global Catalogue Servers

To check if a domain controller is also a global catalogue server:

1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Active Directory Sites and Services.

2. Double-click Sites in the left pane, and then browse to the appropriate site or click Default-first-site-name if no other sites are available.

3. Open the Servers folder, and then click the domain controller.

4. In the domain controller’s folder, double-click NTDS Settings.

5. On the Action menu, click Properties.

6. On the General tab, locate the Global Catalogue check box to see if it is selected.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Windows Server – Locating, Transferring, and Seizing FSMO Roles

Transferring Your FSMO Roles