Install .Net 2.0 on Server 2019 & 2016

KB ID 0001506


.Net2, man thats old! Well I was setting up PowerCLI for VMware today and was faced with this;

.Net Framework 2.0 is not installed on this machine. Please download and install .Net Framework 2.0 before installing VMware PowerCLI.


Pop in the Server 2019/2016 DVD, (or present the ISO if it’s a VM.) Then execute the following commands, (Note: It’s installed with .Net 3);


dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3ServerFeatures /Source:D:\sources\sxs
dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /Source:D:\sources\sxs


Note: This assumes your CD/DVD Drive letter is D.

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Microsoft SQL – ‘Error While Enabling Windows Feature : NetFx3’

KB ID 0000958 


I was installing SQL Server 2012 and suddenly this popped up;

The following error has occurred:
Error while enabling Windows feature: NetFx3, Error Code: -2146498298, Please try enabling
Windows feature: NetFx3 from Windows management tools and then run setup again. For more
information on how to enable Windows features, see


I’ve been bitten by .Net on Server 2012 before. Leave this error on the screen, and the install in the background, and pop in the Sever 2012 Installation DVD, then run the following command;


Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:D:sourcessxs /LimitAccess

Where D: is the DVD Drive Letter


Put the the SQL Install media back in the drive if you removed it, (I was installing from a mounted .ISO file), click OK on the error message and SQL should continue to install.

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