Juniper (JUNOS) SRX – Static ‘One-to-One’ NAT

KB ID 0000995 


Setting up ‘Static NAT’ is the process of taking one of your ‘spare’ public IP addresses, and permanently mapping that public IP to a private IP address on your network.

In the example above I want to give my web sever which has an internal IP address of, the public IP address of So if someone out on the Internet wants to view my website, they can browse to (or a URL that I’ve pointed to like Then that traffic will be NATTED, on the firewall for me.


1. Create a rule-set from the ‘untrust’ zone. Then add a rule to that rule-set, that has a destination of, and finally set it to NAT that traffic to

[box]login: root
Password: *******

— JUNOS 12.1X44-D30.4 built 2014-01-11 03:56:31 UTC

root@FW-02% cli
root@FW-02> configure
Entering configuration mode

root@FW-02# set security nat static rule-set UNTRUST-TO-TRUST from zone untrust

root@FW-02# set security nat static rule-set UNTRUST-TO-TRUST rule NAT-RULE-1 match destination-address

root@FW-02# set security nat static rule-set UNTRUST-TO-TRUST rule NAT-RULE-1 then static-nat prefix


2. Set the firewall to proxy-arp (advertise your pubic IP address with is MAC address), then add the web server to the global address book.

Note: ge-0/0/0.0 is the physical address you are advertising the new IP address from, on firewalls in a failover cluster you would use the Reth address i.e. reth0.0

[box] [edit]
root@FW-02# set security nat proxy-arp interface ge-0/0/0.0 address

root@FW-02# set security address-book global address WEB-SERVER


3. Allow traffic OUT from the web server. Here I’m letting out all ports, if you wanted just web traffic then use the keyword junos-http (TCP Port 80 (http)).


root@FW-02# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy WEB-SERVER-OUT match source-address WEB-SERVER

root@FW-02# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy WEB-SERVER-OUT match destination-address any

root@FW-02# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy WEB-SERVER-OUT match application any

root@FW-02# set security policies from-zone trust to-zone untrust policy WEB-SERVER-OUT then permit


4. Then allow traffic IN to the web server, (here I’m locking it down to just http).

[box] [edit]
root@FW-02# set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy WEB-SERVER-IN match source-address any

root@FW-02# set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy WEB-SERVER-IN match destination-address WEB-SERVER

root@FW-02# set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy WEB-SERVER-IN match application junos-http

root@FW-02# set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy WEB-SERVER-IN then permit


5. Save the changes.

root@FW-02# commit
commit complete[/box]

Juniper Allowing Traffic To Custom Ports And Applications

1. Although Juniper have a lot of built in ‘applications’ you can allow, what if you want to create your own? Below I’ll create a custom application for Remote Desktop Protocol (TCP port 3389).

[box] [edit]
root@FW-A# set applications application APP-RDP protocol tcp

root@FW-A# set applications application APP-RDP destination-port 3389


2. You could now use this application in your security policies e.g.

[box] [edit]
root@FW-A#set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy TERMINAL-SERVER-IN match application APP-RDP[/box]


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Linux (CentOS) Securing and Hardening SSH / Shell Access

KB ID 0000881 


The following is by no means an extensive list of everything that can be done. It’s just a run though of what I would consider ‘good practice’.


Create a user for SSH and Remove Shell access for the ‘root’ user.

1. Connect to the server via SSH or open a terminal session and su to root. Create a new user then set and confirm the new users password.

[box] useradd {username}
passwd {username} [/box]

2. Test access for your new user.

3. To make changes to shell access, you need to edit the sshd_config file, to do that I’m using the nano editor.

Note: If you do not have nano installed, run ‘yum install nano’.

[box] nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config[/box]

4. Locate PermitRootLogin and change it to no.

5. Locate the PermitRootLogin without-password”. line and comment it out (prefix it with a hash #, (or pound if you’re American).

[box] # PermitRootLogin without-password”.[/box]

Limit SSH / Shell access to particular User(s)

6. Add the following line to allow the user you create above only.

[box] AllowUsers {username}[/box]

Note: If you had multiple users, you can add them separated by a space.

Disable SSH Version 1 and Force SSH Version2

7. Ensure Protocol 2 is NOT hashed out and activation of protocol 1 IS hashed out.

Change the SSH / shell Port Number

8. SSH by default runs over TCP port 22, this is a well know port to advertise to the outside world, to change it (in this case to 2200), change the existing Port 22 line;

[box] Port 2200[/box]

Note: There is not hard and fast rule on what port to use, but for production, I would suggest a random number above 1024 but below 65535.

9. At this point close nano and save the changes, (press CTRL+W and Y to save the changes).

10. The changes will not take effect until after you have restarted the SSH service/daemon.

[box] service sshd restart[/box]

11. At this point you can check that the root user no longer has SSH / Shell access.

12. But your SSH user has.


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