Backing up a Remote Linux Machine With Windows (Using Rsync and Cygwin)

KB ID 0000892 


The goal here was for me to get a backup of my VPS server (Running CentOS 6). My background is primarily Windows based, so I wanted a solution where I can just run the backup from a Windows machine, (i.e. my my laptop) and let it connect, login and perform the backup.

What is Rsync? If you are familiar with Robocopy it’s similar, it can perform a backup/sync of data and encrypt that data while it’s passing over the network. In addition, once the initial sync has been done, the next time you run it, it only replicates the changes. This makes it ideal for backups.

What is Cygwin? Basically it’s a Linux ‘Shell’ that will run on a Windows machine.



Step 1: Install Cygwin on My Windows Client

1. Download Cygwin (URL is on the image below), and install on the machine that will be performing the backups. When prompted accept all the defaults to download form the internet > Accept the install directory C:cgywin64 > Install for All users > Set the local Package Directory to the Desktop > Internet = Direct Connection > Choose a Download site > Next.

2. When asked to select packages > Expand Net.

3. Select openssh and rsync to be installed.

4. Expand shells > Select bash to be installed. > Complete the installation.

Step 2: Generate SSH Keys in Cygwin

5. Launch Cygwin and generate some SSH Keys.


ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048



Step:3 Create a User (On the Remote Linux Host) to Perform Backups

6. Connect to the server via SSH, (or open a terminal session). Logon as, (or su to) root.


useradd {username} -s /bin/bash
passwd {username}


7. To ensure your user has the correct folders in their home folder the easiest way is generate a pair of keys on the remote Linux machine (the same as you did before).


ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048


Step 4: Copy the Public SSH Key from the Windows Machine to the Linux Machine

8. Above, Cygwin told us the keys are in /home/{username}/.ssh > Go to that directory and make sure they are there > Make a copy of the key > Call the copy authorized_keys > Copy that key to the correct folder on the remote Linux machine (via SCP).


cd /home/{username}/.ssh <<Note This is the username on the Cygwin machine)
cp authorized_keys
CHECK authorized_keys IS LISTED
authorized_keys {username}@{Linux Machine's name/IP}:/home/{username}/.ssh

Note The username (above) is the username on the Linux Machine


9. Now check we can login to the remote Linux machine, from the Windows machine (without having to provide a password for the user we created). Note: Sometimes you need to do this twice before it will work.


ssh {username}@{Linux Machine's name/IP}


If successful, your prompt should change to that of the remote Linux machine.

10. To return to Cygwin, simply type exit.

Step 5: On the Windows Machine Create a Backup Job

11. On the Windows machine create a folder that will hold the backup files (create it in the C:cygwin64 folder).

12. Lets test our backup to that folder. (Note: This does not back any data up it just performs a ‘dry run’).


rsync -avzun {username}@{Linux Machine's name/IP}:/ /VPS-Backup


Note: Above I’ve chosen the root ‘/’ directory, you may just want to select specific folders to backup e.g.

  • /var/www/ The Default location for Apache’s Website Files.
  • /var/lib/mysql The Default location for MySQL Databases.

Warning: Folder locations may differ depending on the server and how it was setup.

13. Tailor the following, and save it on the Windows machine, in the C:cyqwinbin directory as


# rsync tool to download server data
# from [Remote Linux Server name] to [Windows Backup Machine]
# download only those files on [Remote Linux Server name] in
[server directory]
# Only files that are newer than what is already on the
[Windows Backup Machine Directory]
# Syntax
# rsync -avzu [user name]@[Remote Linux Server name]:
#[server directory] [Windows Backup Machine Directory]
# Windows Shortcut Target Should be
#C:cygwin64binbash.exe --login -i '/bin/'

rsync -avzu {username}@{Linux Machine's name/IP}:/ /VPS-Backup


14. On the Windows machine create a new shortcut.

15. Browse to, and select c:cygwinbinbash.exe

16. Give it a sensible name > Finish

17. Open the properties of the shortcut and change the Target: to;


C:cygwin64binbash.exe --login -i '/bin/'


Note: You may also want to change the icon to the Cygwin one at C:cygwin64Cygwin.ico

18. Run the shortcut to perform the backup.

You could (if you wanted), use the Window scheduler to schedule this for you, but I prefer to do it myself.

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Windows – ‘The directory service has exhausted the pool of relative identifiers’

KB ID 0000797 


I got this error when attempting to bulk create users with CSVDE (see below). But you may simply see it when trying to create a user, or other AD object.

Unwilling To Perform
The server side error is “The directory service has exhausted the pool of relative identifiers.”


Well that is a scary looking error! Firstly make sure you can see all your FSMO role servers.

Locate your FSMO Role Servers

In my case, I tracked this down to an old DC that has been removed from the domain but was still referenced in DNS. Open your domain forward lookup zone, look in the _tcp container, for any SRV references to old/removed domain controllers and simply delete them.

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