Hyper-V 2016 – Missing VM Hardware Versions?

KB ID 0001382


I was helping a colleague with a Hyper-V upgrade this week, he asked if I would upgrade the hardware versions on the guest VM’s


However I could not get the cluster to accept a hardware version above version 5 (Server 2012 R2)


As it turns out the cluster had had all its nodes upgraded to 2016, but the cluster functional level was still at version 8 (Server 2012)

[box]Get-Cluster | select ClusterFunctionalLevel[/box]

So I upgraded that first;


Something strange happened at this point: The node I’d upgraded the cluster on, didn’t show me the additional hardware versions , but all the other nodes in the cluster did. I had to wait 40 mins to an hour before all nodes reported supporting all the newer hardware versions!

Then I could shut down the guest machines and upgrade them;

[box]Update-VMVersion “{vm-name}“[/box]

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