Exchange 2019: How Many CALs/SALs Do You Need?

KB ID 0001703


At his point I’m going to assume you know that there are Standard Exchange CALs/SALs, and Enterprise Exchange CALs/SALs. And you know the difference! If you’re unsure see my comments here

With older versions of Exchange 2010/2007 etc. You could get this information from the GUI. Now you need to use some PowerShell.


The two commands you want to use are;

Find Out How Many Exchange Standard CALs / SALs Are Required


Get-ExchangeServerAccessLicenseUser -LicenseName (Get-ExchangeServerAccessLicense | ? {($_.UnitLabel -eq "CAL") -and ($_.LicenseName -like "*Standard*")}).licenseName | measure | select Count


Find Out How Many Exchange Enterprise CALs / SALs Are Required


Get-ExchangeServerAccessLicenseUser -LicenseName (Get-ExchangeServerAccessLicense | ? {($_.UnitLabel -eq "CAL") -and ($_.LicenseName -like "*Enterprise*")}).licenseName | measure | select Count


Sit back, light your pipe, and admire your handiwork!

What About CALS for Exchange 2010?

That you can get from the EMC (if it says Unknown click the option to refresh at the bottom).

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SBS 2003 has lost its CAL’s (Client Access Licenses reset to 5)

KB ID 0000339


Been a while since I’ve seen this one, and strangely I didn’t document it. so when I was asked this morning I searched here on PeteNetLive, and In my personal database of solutions but the cupboard was bare.


1. Before you do anything make sure your SBS has plenty of space on the hard drive, simply running out of room on the system drive can cause SBS to lose its licences, make sure this is not your problem.

2. If you have plenty of room, then click Start > Run > services.msc {enter}. Locate the Licence Logging service > Right Click > Stop.

3. Locate the file (it’s in C:windowssystem32 by default) > Rename it to licstr.OLD.

4. Locate the (Should be in the same folder) and COPY it to your desktop to create a backup, Then rename the original to

5. Back in the services console restart the “Licence Logging Service”.

6. Your licences should now be back in place.

7. Finally, you will notice there’s an option in the Licensing console to back up your licences, now would be a good time, to avoid having to do this again.


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