KB ID 0001032
Seen on a Microsoft Certificate Services server running NDES.
Log Name: Application Source: Microsoft-Windows-NetworkDeviceEnrollmentService Date: 04/02/2015 11:22:26 Event ID: 29 Task Category: None Level: Error Keywords: User: PETENETLIVESVC_NDES Computer: PNLPKI00v.petenetlive.com Description: The password in the certificate request cannot be verified. It may have been used already. Obtain a new password to submit with this request.
I got this error every time a network device tried to enroll with the NDES server. You are seeing this error because the NDES server is expecting the password that generated by visiting this url http://{hostname-of-NDES-Server}/Certsrv.mscep_admin.
Normally I disable the password requirement when I build NDES, this time I’d simply forgotten. To disable the password requirement, follow this process.
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