Juniper SRX Firewall – Allow ‘Ping’
KB ID 0000706 Problem I was working on an SRX100B Firewall yesterday, and needed to be able to ping the outside interface. Solution Note: You can quickly enable ping on a physical interface from CLI like so; set security zone security-zone trust interface ge-0/0/0 host-inbound-traffic system services ping 1. Log into the web console of the Juniper. 2. Navigate to Security > Zones/Screen > Select the ‘Untrust’ Zone...
CentOS – Setup the iptables Firewall
KB ID 0000938 Problem I was a little perturbed to find out the firewall on my CentOS web server was wide open today. My server setup notes yielded no clues, so it was time to put my ‘Linux Head’ on and fix it. Solution 1. Connect to the server via console or SSH. As I’m going to change the iptables config file lets back it up (always assume you are going to smash something!) cp /etc/sysconfig/iptables iptables.bak 2....