Cisco FirePOWER – Adding a Static Route

KB ID 0001172


Routing traffic back from the ASA , in most cases you will have a static route (or routes) tied to the inside interface of the firewall. Or you may have dynamic routing if your network is a little more complex. But your FirePOWER module is essentially a small Linux box sat inside the firewall, it has its own network connection and maintains its own routing table.

You may have already noticed if your FirePOWER module is down or unreachable you will see an error like this;

Cannot connect to the ASA ForePOWER module

This means you can talk to the insider interface but not the FirePOWER module. If it’s misconfigured see the following article;

ASA 5505-X / 5508-X Setup FirePOWER Services (for ASDM)

But what if you’re on a different network segment, and the ASA can talk to you but the SFR module can’t?


Adding a Static Route to the SFR Module

To put a static route on the SFR module you have to connect to it directly. Connect the firewall and then open a session with the module.


Petes-ASA(config)# session sfr
Opening command session with module sfr.
Connected to module sfr. Escape character sequence is 'CTRL-^X'.
Cisco ASA5506 v5.4.1 (build 211)

Sourcefire3D login: admin

Password: {your-password}

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You need to find what the SFR has called its management interface, usually it’s eth0 but let’s check;


>Show interfaces
--------------------[ outside ]---------------------
Physical Interface        : GigabitEthernet1/1
Type                      : ASA
Security Zone             : None
Status                    : Enabled
Load Balancing Mode       : N/A
---------------------[ inside ]---------------------
Physical Interface        : GigabitEthernet1/2
Type                      : ASA
Security Zone             : None
Status                    : Enabled
Load Balancing Mode       : N/A
----------------------[ DMZ ]-----------------------
Physical Interface        : GigabitEthernet1/3
Type                      : ASA
Security Zone             : None
Status                    : Enabled
Load Balancing Mode       : N/A
---------------------[ cplane ]---------------------
IPv4 Address              :
----------------------[ eth0 ]----------------------
Physical Interface        : eth0
Type                      : Management
Status                    : Enabled
MDI/MDIX                  : Auto
MTU                       : 1500
MAC Address               : 00:F2:AA:66:94:3F
IPv4 Address              :
----------------------[ tun1 ]----------------------
IPv6 Address              : fdcc::bd:0:ffff:a9fe:1/64
---------------------[ tunl0 ]----------------------


Now you can ad in your static route(s).


> configure network static-routes ipv4 add eth0
Configuration updated successfully


To delete a static route;

configure network static-routes ipv4 delete interface destination netmask gateway 

Add a Static Route to the FirePOWER Management Console

To do the same on an FMC appliance, System > Configuration > Management Interface > IPv4 Routes > Add.

To do the same from command line on the appliance, use the following commands;


sudo su
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-devices
touch ifcfg-static-routes
echo 'eth0 ipv4’ >> /etc/sysconfig/network-devices/ifcfg-static-routes
/etc/rc.d/init.d/routes restart


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