FortiGate LDAPS Authentication Failure

KB ID 0001733


Here’s a brief one that tripped me up a couple of weeks ago, I was deploying FortiGate LDAPS authentication for some FortiClient SSL VPN connections into a FortiGate firewall like so;

Despite my best efforts I was getting authentication failures? If I tested the username and password in the GUI web management portal, that worked fine?

Testing FortiGate LDAPS

First step is to test authentication at command line, like so;


Forti-FW # diag test auth ldap My-DC test.user Password123
authenticate 'test.user' against 'My-DC' failed!


Note: My-DC is the domain controller, test, user is the username, and Password123 is the password for my AD user. (The fact I need to explain that is depressing, but c’est la vie).

So despite what the GUI is telling me, authentication is actually failing, remember I’m using LDAPS, so the FortiGate needs to have the CA certificate, (that issued the Kerberos certificates on my domain controller(s)), in its trusted CA list! And TCP port 636 needs to be open between the firewall and the domain controllers.

Debugging FortiGate LDAPS

So now we need to debug what’s going on;


Forti-FW # diagnose debug enable
Forti-FW # diagnose debug application fnbamd 255
Debug messages will be on for 30 minutes.


Then simply attempt to authenticate via FortiClient, or recall the ‘diag test’ command from above.


Forti-FW # diag test auth ldap My-DC test.user Password123
[1932] handle_req-Rcvd auth req 1296531457 for test.user in My-DC opt=0000001b prot=0
[424] __compose_group_list_from_req-Group 'My-DC', type 1
[617] fnbamd_pop3_start-test.user
[970] __fnbamd_cfg_get_ldap_list_by_server-
[976] __fnbamd_cfg_get_ldap_list_by_server-Loaded LDAP server 'My-DC'
[1131] fnbamd_cfg_get_ldap_list-Total ldap servers to try: 1
[1713] fnbamd_ldap_init-search filter is: sAMAccountName=test.user
[1722] fnbamd_ldap_init-search base is: dc=testbench,dc=co,dc=uk
[1146] __fnbamd_ldap_dns_cb-Resolved My-DC: to, cur stack size:1
[919] __fnbamd_ldap_get_next_addr-
[1152] __fnbamd_ldap_dns_cb-Connection starts My-DC:, addr over SSL
[874] __fnbamd_ldap_start_conn-Still connecting
[591] create_auth_session-Total 1 server(s) to try
[1097] __ldap_connect-tcps_connect( failed: ssl_connect() failed: 337047686 (error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed).
[930] __ldap_error-My-DC:, addr
[725] __ldap_stop-Conn with destroyed.
[919] __fnbamd_ldap_get_next_addr-
[902] __ldap_try_next_server-No more server to try for 'My-DC'.
[785] __ldap_done-svr 'My-DC'
[755] __ldap_destroy-
[2870] fnbamd_ldap_result-Error (3) for req 1296531457
[217] fnbamd_comm_send_result-Sending result 3 (nid 0) for req 1296531457, len=2044
authenticate 'test.user' against 'My-DC' failed!
Forti-FW # [747] destroy_auth_session-delete session 1296531457
[755] __ldap_destroy-
[1764] fnbamd_ldap_auth_ctx_free-Freeing 'My-DC' ctx
[2099] fnbamd_ldap_free-Freeing 'My-DC'


OK so it’s SSL related? For SSL to work you need the following;

  1. To trust the CA that issued the certificate
  2. To be able to resolve (via DNS) the common name (or Subject Alternative Name) on the certificate
  3. If you’ve specified the LDAP server by IP address the IP address of the server needs to be on the certificate as a Subject Alternative Name (SAN).
  4. Your firewall and the AD/LDAP server need to have compatible SSL ciphers.

So I had number 1 covered, and the chance of it being number 4 are rare, (server and firewall are fully updated).

So my problem was initially number 2 I’d specified the LDAPS server via its internal IP. I needed to use its FQDN, then of course the firewall needed to be able to resolve that IP with a DNS lookup (try execute ping server-name.doman-name if you’re unsure!)


Forti-FW # execute ping
Unable to resolve hostname.  <---OOPS THAT'S NOT GOOD!

Forti-FW # execute ping <---CONNECTIVITY IS OK!
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=128 time=5.4 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=2.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=1.9 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 1.9/3.1/5.4 ms


Once DNS was setup correctly;


Forti-FW # execute ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=128 time=1.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=2.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=2.1 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss <---BOOM THAT'S BETTER
round-trip min/avg/max = 1.9/2.1/2.3 ms


Then retest.


Forti-FW # diag test auth ldap My-DC test.user Password123
authenticate 'test.user' against 'My-DC' succeeded!
Group membership(s) - CN=GS-VPN-Users,OU=Securty-Groups,DC=testbench,DC=co,DC=uk
                      CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=testbench,DC=co,DC=uk


Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links


AnyConnect: Unauthorized Connection Mechanism

KB ID 0001699


I was assisting a colleague to setup some AnyConnect for a client this afternoon, when all of a sudden I was met with this;


Logon denied, unauthorised connection mechanism, contact your administrator


This was a confusing one, I replicated the problem on my own test firewall. All I had done was change the AAA method from LOCAL to LDAP? It took me a while to figure out what was going on?

The reason why this is happening is because the GROUP POLICY your AnyConnect PROFILE is using does not have SSL enabled. (This makes no sense as it was working with LOCAL authentication, but this is how I fixed it).

You will be either using a specific group policy or the DfltGrpPolicy


Petes-ASA(config)# group-policy DfltGrpPolicy attributes
Petes-ASA(config-group-policy)# vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-client ssl-clientless

IF USING A SPECIFIC GROUP POLICY (Remember to include any, that already exist! e.g. l2tp-ipsec)

Petes-ASA(config)# group-policy PNL-GP-ANYCONNECT-ACCESS attributes
Petes-ASA(config-group-policy)# vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-client ssl-clientless l2tp-ipsec 


Or, if you really HAVE TO use the ASDM.

Configuration > RemoteAccess VPN > Network (Client) Access > Group Policies > Select the Group Policy you are using > Edit.

General > More Options > Tick the SSL Options > OK > Apply.

Don’t forget to save your changes! Then try connecting again.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links


Cisco AnyConnect – Allow Domain Password Change via LDAP

KB ID 0001273 



If you have remote users who connect via VPN, and a policy that forces them to change their password periodically, this can result in them getting locked out without the ability to change their password (externally).

If your Cisco ASA is using LDAP to authenticate your users, then you can use your remote AnyConnect VPN solution to let them reset their passwords remotely.


Standard LDAP runs over TCP port 389, to allow the ASA to reset the password for the users, it needs to be connected via LDAPS ((TCP Port 636). Your AD server needs to be able to authenticate via LDAPS, by default it will not. I’ve already covered how to set that up in another post see the following article.

Windows Server 2012 – Enable LDAPS

So, assuming your AD server(s) that the Cisco ASA is authenticating against is already setup, you need to ensure that your AAA Settings for LDAP is set to use port 636.

Enable LDAPS via Command Line

On my test network I only have one LDAP server in my LDAP AAA group, you may need to repeat this procedure for each one in yours.


Petes-ASA(config)# aaa-server TEST-LDAP-SERVER (inside) host
Petes-ASA(config-aaa-server-host)# server-port 636


Enable LDAPS From within the ASDM

Log into the ADSM  > Configuration > Device Management > Users/AAA  > Select the LDAP Server Group > Select the Server > Edit > Enable LDAP over SSL > Server Port = 636.

Note: If you attempt to reset a user password without LDAPS, then you will see the following error;

Unwilling to perform password change

Next you need to edit the AnyConnect connection profile to allow password resets. Or the tunnel-group if you work at command line.

Allow Password Reset via Command Line


Petes-ASA(config)# tunnel-group ANYCONNECT-PROFILE general-attributes
Petes-ASA(config-tunnel-general)# password-management password-expire-in-days 3


Allow Password Reset via ASDM

Connect to the ADSM > Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Network Client remote Access > AnyConnect Connection Profile > Select the one for AnyConnect > Edit > Advanced > General > Password Management > Enable Password Management > Select to notify user the amount of days before his/her password expires > OK > Apply > File > Save running configuration to flash.

Now your users have the ability to reset their password remotely as they are about to expire, and when they have expired.

If you want to test with a particular user you can set his password to ‘expired’ using the following procedure;

Reset an AD Users Password Expiry Date

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links


Cisco – LDAP AAA Error ‘AAA Server has been removed”

KB ID 0001271 


Seen while attempting to test AAA authentication via LDAP to a Windows domain Controller.

Authentication test to host {IP-Address} failed. Following error occurred – 

ERROR: Authentication Server not responding: AAA Server has been removed


This is a terribly ambiguous error! What it means is that the ASA cannot bind to active directory, either because;

  • The ASA bind account password is wrong.
  • The ASA bind username, (or path to the user object) is wrong.
  • You have set the LDAP server group to use LDAPS (port 636) and the server specified as an LDAP  host is not authenticating via LDAPS.
  • There is no connectivity between the ASA and the LDAP server.

You can narrow it down by running the following debug;

[box]debug ldap 255[/box]

In the following output you can see either the username or the password is wrong;


Petes-ASA(config)# debug ldap 255
debug ldap  enabled at level 255
[-2147483629] Session Start
[-2147483629] New request Session, context 0x00007fffbcc69c88, reqType = Authentication
[-2147483629] Fiber started
[-2147483629] Creating LDAP context with uri=ldap://
[-2147483629] Connect to LDAP server: ldap://, status = Successful
[-2147483629] supportedLDAPVersion: value = 3
[-2147483629] supportedLDAPVersion: value = 2
[-2147483629] Binding as asa
[-2147483629] Performing Simple authentication for asa to
[-2147483629] Simple authentication for asa returned code (49) Invalid credentials
[-2147483629] Failed to bind as administrator returned code (-1) Can't contact LDAP server
[-2147483629] Fiber exit Tx=207 bytes Rx=720 bytes, status=-2
[-2147483629] Session End


In the following output you can see the firewall is trying to connect over LDAPS but the server is not configured, (or not answering on TCP 636);


Petes-ASA(config)# debug ldap 255
debug ldap  enabled at level 255
[-2147483625] Session Start
[-2147483625] New request Session, context 0x00007fffbcc69c88, reqType = Authentication
[-2147483625] Fiber started
[-2147483625] Creating LDAP context with uri=ldaps://
[-2147483625] Connect to LDAP server: ldaps://, status = Failed
[-2147483625] Unable to read rootDSE. Can't contact LDAP server.
[-2147483625] Fiber exit Tx=0 bytes Rx=0 bytes, status=-2
[-2147483625] Session End



Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Cisco – Testing AAA Authentication (Cisco ASA and IOS)

Cisco ASA – AnyConnect Authentication via LDAP and Domain User Groups

Cisco AnyConnect – With Google Authenticator 2 Factor Authentication

KB ID 0001256 


This was asked as a question on Experts Exchange this week, and it got my interest. A quick search turned up a bunch of posts that said, yes this is possible, and you deploy it with FreeRADIUS and it works great. The problem was, a lot of the information is a little out of date, and some of it is ‘wrong enough’ to make the non-technical types give up. But I persevered, and got it to work.

Disclaimer: This is not an exercise in deploying AnyConnect, I’ve got that covered to death all over the website, use the search function above, or simply go to the following article;

Cisco ASA 5500 AnyConnect Setup From Command Line

So before proceeding I’ll assume you have AnyConnect setup, and you can connect with a local username.

Disclaimer 2: Please don’t email me with questions like, “Can I take this and integrate it with Active Directory, eDirectory” etc. Or “I’m trying to get this to work with ‘insert name of some Linux distro” and I’m getting an error. 

Prerequisite: You will need to have the Google-Authenticator app on a device, (probably an IOS or Android phone), and have that running, and ready to accept a new identity/account.


Setup FreeRADIUS

I’m not a Linux guru, I just downloaded the latest version of Ubuntu Server (16.04.1 at time of writing). and deployed it as an ESX host.

Non Linux Types Note: A lot of the commands below require you to either be logged on as root, or ‘su‘ to root, (if that’s not an option, you will need to prefix the commands with ‘sudo‘.

Ubuntu Enable Root Account: I quickly learned that these days the root account is disabled, (for sensible reasons). However because of the way FreeRADIUS works, it needs to run under the root account.


sudo passwd root
sudo passwd -u root


Ubuntu: Install Prerequisites: We need to get all current updates, then install NTP, (because the authenticator keys are time specific). Then there are some tools that we will need to install the Google Authenticator software. 


apt-get update
apt-get install autotools-dev
apt-get install autoconf
apt-get install libtool
apt-get install ntp
apt-get install build-essential libpam0g-dev freeradius git libqrencode3 


Install Google Authenticator: This is quite cool, (if like me you don’t do a lot of Linux). We need to connect to a folder on a web server, then move into that ‘Directory’ and install the software. 


cd ~
git clone
cd google-authenticator/libpam/
make install


 Configuring FreeRADIUS and Google-Authenticator 

Ubuntu has nano installed by default thats what I’m going to use, if you’re a sandal wearing ‘vi’ user, then feel free to use that instead.

First we are going to change FreeRADIUS, so it runs under the ‘root’ account.

[box]nano /etc/freeradius/radiusd.conf[/box]

At the bottom of the file, change the user and group from freerad to root, save the file and exit.

Like so:


Next we are going to create a group called radius-disabled, then if you need to deny a user access, you can simply make them a member of this group.

[box]addgroup radius-disabled[/box]

Then configure FreeRADIUS to reject members of that group.

[box]nano /etc/freeradius/users[/box]

Locate the lines indicated below;

Change and un-comment them, to add the following text;


DEFAULT Group == "radius-disabled", Auth-Type := Reject
        Reply-Message = "Your account has been disabled."
DEFAULT Auth-Type := PAM


So it looks like below, then save and exit the file;

Enable Pluggable Authentication Mode (PAM): Edit the following file;

[box]nano /etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/default[/box]

Locate the line with ‘pam’ in it and uncomment it (remove the hash/pound sign), like so



Exit and save the changes.

Configure FreeRADIUS to use Google Authenticator: Edit the following file;

[box]nano /etc/pam.d/radiusd[/box]

Locate all the lines that start with an ‘@’ symbol and comment them out, (prefix them with a “#”), then paste the following text onto the end of the file;


auth requisite /usr/local/lib/security/ forward_pass
auth required use_first_pass





Testing Google-Authenticator and FreeRADIUS

The easiest way to do this is setup a test user, then create a password for them, then assign a Google-Authenticator Code to that user, on your Linux server;


adduser tommytester
su tommytester


Now you can either scan the QR code into the Google Authenticator app on your phone, or type in the ‘secret-key‘. 

Once done, you should be looking at a 6 digit number, that changes every 30 seconds;


Test Authentication on the FreeRADIUS Server first! To do that issue the following command;

[box]radtest tommytester password456743 localhost 18120 testing123[/box]

Note: the password for tommytester is ‘password‘ and the 6 digit code is added to the end of it, the testing123 value is set within FreeRadius in the /etc/freeradius/clients.conf file.

Successful Authentication


tommytester@RADIUS-HOST:/home/petelong$ radtest tommytester password302971 localhost 18120 testing123
Sending Access-Request of id 165 to port 1812
 User-Name = "tommytester"
 User-Password = "password302971"
 NAS-IP-Address =
 NAS-Port = 18120
 Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 1812, id=165, length=20


Unsuccessful Authentication


tommytester@RADIUS-HOST:/home/petelong$ radtest tommytester password302973 localhost 18120 testing123
Sending Access-Request of id 36 to port 1812
 User-Name = "tommytester"
 User-Password = "password302973"
 NAS-IP-Address =
 NAS-Port = 18120
 Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
rad_recv: Access-Reject packet from host port 1812, id=36, length=20


Troubleshooting: If there’s a problem, make sure that the time on the FreeRADIUS server is correct, (is NTP getting blocked at the firewall?) Then what I do is, SSH into the server from another session, and enable debugging, then back at the console test authentication again, then you can see the debugging output on the other screen, which will point you in the right direction.

To enable debugging;


service freeradius stop
freeradius -XXX


Add the Cisco ASA Firewall as a RADIUS Client: You need to add the firewall as a ‘client’ before it can authenticate. Edit the following file;

[box]nano /etc/freeradius/clients.conf[/box]

Add the following test to the end of the file, (cisco123 is the shared secret we will enter on the ASA later);


client {
 secret = cisco123
 shortname = CiscoASA
 nastype = cisco


Configure Cisco ASA for FreeRADIUS Authentication

On the ASA you create an AAA group, set its authentication type to RADIUS, then add the FreeRADIUS server as a host, specify the secret key you used above. REMEMBER you need to specify the ports or authentication will fail, (you get a no response error).


aaa-server PNL-RADIUS protocol radius
aaa-server PNL-RADIUS (inside) host
 authentication-port 1812
 accounting-port 1813
 key cisco123
 radius-common-pw cisco123


 The ASA also need to have the correct time for authentication to work, I’ve covered that elsewhere, run through the following article;

Cisco ASA – Configuring for NTP

Change AnyConnect AAA Authentication Method: With nothing set, your AnyConnect is probably using its LOCAL database of usernames and passwords, we now need to change it to use the RADIUS host we just setup. You do that in the AnyConnect’s ‘tunnel-group general-attribures’  section. Issue a show run tun command, to see the tunnel groups listed.


Petes-ASA# show run tun
tunnel-group ANYCONNECT-PROFILE type remote-access
tunnel-group ANYCONNECT-PROFILE general-attributes
 address-pool ANYCONNECT-POOL
 default-group-policy GroupPolicy_ANYCONNECT-PROFILE
tunnel-group ANYCONNECT-PROFILE webvpn-attributes
 group-alias ANYCONNECT-PROFILE enable


Then add your RADIUS GROUP as the authentication server.


Petes-ASA# tunnel-group ANYCONNECT-PROFILE general-attributes 
Petes-ASA(config-tunnel-general)# authentication-server-group PNL-RADIUS


Test RADIUS Authentication on the Cisco ASA First: I’ve covered this in the past see the following article;

Cisco – Testing AAA Authentication (Cisco ASA and IOS)

Remember that the password will be the user password, followed by the 6 digit number displayed on the authenticator.


Petes-ASA# test aaa-server authentication PNL-RADIUS host username tommytester password password125689
INFO: Attempting Authentication test to IP address <> (timeout: 12 seconds)
INFO: Authentication Successful


Or. if you prefer to use the ASDM;

Finally you can test authentication from your remote AnyConnect client.


Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links


Cisco – Testing AAA Authentication (Cisco ASA and IOS)

KB ID 0001175 


I always forget the syntax for this, and I’ve been meaning to publish this for a while so here you go. If you have AAA setup and people can’t log in, then the ability to test authentication against a user’s username and password is a good troubleshooting step!

Usually I’m on a Cisco ASA but I’ll tag on the syntax for IOS as well.



Cisco ASA Test AAA Authentication From Command Line

You will need to know the server group and the server you are going to query, below the ASA is using LDAP, but the process is the same for RADIUS, Kerberos, TACACS+, etc.


Petes-ASA# show run | begin aaa
aaa-server TEST-LDAP-SERVER protocol ldap
aaa-server TEST-LDAP-SERVER (inside) host
 ldap-base-dn dc=TEST,dc=net
 ldap-scope subtree
 ldap-naming-attribute sAMAccountName
 ldap-login-password *****
 ldap-login-dn cn=asa,OU=Users,OU=Test-Corp,dc=TEST,dc=net
 server-type auto-detect


To test your user, (username: ttester password: Password123);


Petes-ASA# test aaa-server authentication TEST-LDAP-SERVER host username ttester password Password123
INFO: Attempting Authentication test to IP address  (timeout: 12 seconds)
INFO: Authentication Successful


Cisco ASA Test AAA Authentication From ASDM

Log into the ADSM  > Configuration > Device Management > Users/AAA  > Select the Server Group > Select the Server > Test.

Select ‘Authentication’ > Enter Username/Password > OK.

Cisco IOS Test AAA Authentication From Command Line

As above, you need to know which server group, and server, you are going to test authentication against;


Petes-Router#show run aaa
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authorization exec default local
aaa group server radius RADIUS-GROUP
 server-private key 666999
aaa new-model
aaa session-id common




Petes-Router#test aaa group RADIUS-GROUP tester Password123 legacy
Attempting authentication test to server-group RADIUS-GROUP using radius
User was successfully authenticated.


Petes-Router#test aaa group RADIUS-GROUP tester Password123 new-code
User successfully authenticated


Framed-Protocol 0 1 [PPP]
service-type 0 2 [Framed]
noescape 0 True
autocmd 0 " ppp negotiate"


Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Cisco ASA – AnyConnect Authentication via LDAP and Domain User Groups

Windows Server 2012 – Configure RADIUS for Cisco ASA 5500 Authentication

Windows Server 2008 R2 – Configure RADIUS for Cisco ASA 5500 Authentication

Cisco ASA 5500 Client VPN Access Via Kerberos (From CLI)

Set Cisco ASA for Kerberos Authentication

Windows Server 2008 R2 – Configure RADIUS for Cisco ASA 5500 Authentication

KB ID 0000688


Last week I was configuring some 2008 R2 RADIUS authentication, for authenticating remote VPN clients to a Cisco ASA Firewall.

I will say that Kerberos Authentication is a LOT easier to configure, so you might want to check that first.


Step 1 Configure the ASA for AAA RADIUS Authentication

1. Connect to your ASDM, > Configuration > Remote Access VPN. > AAA Local Users > AAA Server Groups.

2. In the Server group section > Add.

3. Give the group a name and accept the defaults > OK.

4. Now (with the group selected) > In the bottom (Server) section > Add.

5. Specify the IP address, and a shared secret that the ASA will use with the 2008 R2 Server performing RADIUS > OK.

6. Apply.

Configure AAA RADIUS from command line;


aaa-server PNL-RADIUS protocol radius
aaa-server PNL-RADIUS (inside) host
  key 123456
  radius-common-pw 123456


Step 2 Configure Windows 2012 Server to allow RADIUS

7. On the Windows 2008 Server > Launch Server Manager > Roles > Add Role.

8. If you get a welcome page > Next > Select Network Policy and Access Server > Next >Next.

9. Select ‘Network Policy Server’ > Next > Install.

10. Close, when complete.

11. Whilst still in Server Manager > Network Policy and Access Server > NPS (Local).

12. Register Server in Active Directory >OK > OK.

13. Expand RADIUS Clients and Servers > Right click RADIUS Clients > New.

14. Give the firewall a friendly name, (take note of what this is, you will need it again) > Specify its IP > Enter the shared secret you setup above (number 5) > OK.

15. Expand policies > right click ‘Connection Request Policies’ > New > Give the policy a name > Next.

16. Add a condition > Set the condition to ‘Client Friendly Name’ > Add.

17. Specify the name you set up above (number 14) > OK > Next > Next > Next.

18. Change the attribute to User-Name > Next > Finish.

19. Now right click ‘Network Policies’ > New > Give the policy a name> Next.

20. Add a condition > User Groups > Add.

21. Add in the AD security group you want to allow access to > OK > Next > Next.

22. Select ‘Unencrypted Authentication PAP SPAP” > Next > No > Next > Next > Finish.

Step 3 Test RADIUS Authentication

23. Back at the ASDM, in the same page you were in previously, select your server and then click ‘Test’.

24. Change the selection to Authentication > Enter your domain credentials > OK.

25. You are looking for a successful outcome.

Note: if it fails check there is physical connectivity between the two devices, the shared secrets match. Also ensure UDP ports 1645 and 1646 are not being blocked.

To Test AAA RADIUS Authentication from Command Line


test aaa-server authentication PNL-RADIUS host username petelong password password123


26. Finally, save the firewall changes > File > Save running configuration to flash.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Windows Server 2003 – Configure RADIUS for Cisco ASA 5500 Authentication

Windows Server 2012 – Configure RADIUS for Cisco ASA 5500 Authentication

JunOS – Using TACACS+ With Cisco ACS

KB ID 0001040 


I’ve been configuring a client’s Juniper SRX chassis cluster, for a while now. Their ACS was deployed last week so my task was to configure it to use the TACACS+ from the Cisco ACS server.

The client’s setup required them to use their fxp0 management interfaces to perform the authentication. After it was configured and working, (due in no small part, to the ACS skills of Mr SteveH). I decided that because of the lack of decent info, I would run it up at home on the test bench.

This procedure uses a Juniper Firefly Perimeter vSRX, and a Cisco ACS virtual appliance (v5.5). I’m going to create a read only group (JUNOS-RO), and a read write group (JUNOS-RW) for different levels of authentication.


Step 1 – Configure Cisco ACS For Juniper JunOS

1. Log into ACS > Network Resources > Network Devices and AAA Clients > Create.

2. Add the SRX as a device > Submit.

3. Policy Elements > Device Administration > Shell Profiles > Create.

4. Create a new shell profile for our read only profile.

5. Custom Attributes tab > Add in an attribute called local-user-name and set its value to JUNOS-RO > Submit.

6. Repeat the process and create a new shell profile for the read/write profile.

7. This time on the custom attributes tab add local-user-name but this time set its value to JUNOS-RW > Submit.

8. Access Policies > Access Services > Create.

9. Create a new access service profile for your JunOS device(s) > Next.

10. Select Process host lookup > Select PAP/ASCII > Finish.

11. You will be prompted to create a service selection rule > Create.

12. Ensure you select TACACS and the service is set to the one that you have just created > OK.

13. Save Changes, (at this point your JunOS access service should ‘go green’).

14. Select your ‘JunOS Device Admin’ access service > Identity > Select your AD > Save Changes.

15. Ive created some AD groups for my two roles > to Add them into ACS > Users and Identity Stores > External Identity Stores > Active Directory > Directory Groups > Add in the groups as applicable.

16. Access Policies > ‘JunOS Device Admin’ access service > Authorization > Customize > Set as shown below > OK.

17. Create.

18. Create a new element for the read only role > OK.

19. Then repeat for the read/write role > OK.

20. Save Changes.


Step 2 – Configure SRX for Cisco ACS Access

1. Connect to the SRX and go to configuration mode.

[box] Petes-SRX (ttyd0)

login: petelong
Password: **********
No home directory.
Logging in with home = “/”.

— JUNOS 12.1X47-D10.4 built 2014-08-14 22:59:01 UTC

petelong@Petes-SRX> configure
Entering configuration mode



2. I’m going to setup the TACACS server with the following properties;

  • IP of TACACS Server:
  • IP that the SRX will present to the ACS Server:
  • Shared secret: s3cr3tp@ssword
  • TACACS Port: 49 (TCP)


petelong@Petes-SRX# set system tacplus-server secret s3cr3tp@ssword

petelong@Petes-SRX# set system tacplus-server source-address

petelong@Petes-SRX# set system tacplus-server port 49

petelong@Petes-SRX# set system tacplus-server single-connection

Note: If you are deploying a chassis cluster and you want to use the Fxp0 interface for TACACS that does not failover, so you need to pin each node to a particular ACS server like so;

set groups node0 system tacplus-server secret <secret-password>
set groups node0 system tacplus-server source-address
set groups node0 system tacplus-server port 49
set groups node0 system tacplus-server single-connection
set groups node1 system tacplus-server secret <secret-password>
set groups node1 system tacplus-server source-address
set groups node1 system tacplus-server port 49
set groups node1 system tacplus-server single-connection


3. In the event that TACACS fails, (or cannot be contacted), I want the SRX to ‘fail back’ to its local user database so we can still log in.

petelong@Petes-SRX# set system authentication-order tacplus authentication-order password[/box]

4. Create a ‘user class’ for our read only group.

[box] [edit]
petelong@Petes-SRX# set system login class RO-CLASS permissions view

petelong@Petes-SRX# set system login class RO-CLASS permissions view-configuration


5. Create a ‘user class’ for our read write group.

petelong@Petes-SRX# set system login class RW-CLASS permissions all[/box]

6. Now create two users, and assign each user to the appropriate class.


petelong@Petes-SRX# set system login user JUNOS-RO uid 2100 class RO-CLASS

petelong@Petes-SRX# set system login user JUNOS-RW uid 2101 class RW-CLASS


7. Finally Save all your hard work.


petelong@Petes-SRX# commit
commit complete



8. And test.

Full JunOS (SRX) Config for TACACS+


set system tacplus-server secret s3cr3tp@ssword
set system tacplus-server source-address
set system tacplus-server port 49
set system tacplus-server single-connection
set system authentication-order tacplus authentication-order password
set system login class RO-CLASS permissions view
set system login class RO-CLASS permissions view-configuration
set system login class RW-CLASS permissions all
set system login user JUNOS-RO uid 2100 class RO-CLASS
set system login user JUNOS-RW uid 2101 class RW-CLASS



Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links



Cisco PIX (500 Series) Password Recovery / Reset

KB ID 0000064 


If you are locked out of your PIX firewall then you will need to do some password recovery, this procedure will reset the enable password and remove any AAA username and password settings on the PIX.

Note: If you have a PIX 520 (This has a floppy drive, and the process is different) CLICK HERE


Before You Start !

1. You need to know the software version that is running on the PIX e.g 6.3(5) or 7.0(1)

2. You need a TFTP server set up and running CLICK HERE for instructions.

3. You need to be connected to the PIX via its console cable CLICK HERE for instructions.

4. You need to download the “PIX Password Lockout Utility” that’s appripriate for your PIX i.e if your running 6.3(5) download , np63.bin or version 7.0(1) download np70.bin etc, you get get them HERE Put the file in the root directory of your TFTP server.


1. Connect to the Firewall via console cable, then power cycle the firewall, as the firewall reboots press BREAK or ESC to interrupt the boot sequence and get to the monitor prompt.




2. Now the firewall has no config loaded, so you need to tell it everything it needs to know, firstly we need to set up the inside interface so we can load in the password reset utility. Use the interface command (PIX’s with only two interfaces it will default to the inside interface).


monitor> interface 1
0: i8255X @ PCI(bus:0 dev:17 irq:9 )
1: i8255X @ PCI(bus:0 dev:18 irq:10) 

Using 1: i82557 @ PCI(bus:0 dev:18 irq:10), MAC: 0012.daf1.5185


3. You need to tell it what its inside IP address is, use the address command.


monitor> address


4. Now you need to give it the IP address of the TFTP server you set up ealier, use the server command.


monitor> server


5. The last thing the PIX needs is the name of the password unlock file for this example I’ll use np63.bin, you will need to use the file command.


monitor> file np63.bin
file np63.bin


6. To start the process, issue the tftp command.


monitor> tftp
tftp np63.bin@
Received 92160 bytes 

Cisco Secure PIX Firewall password tool (3.0) #0: Thu Jul 17 08:01:09 PDT 2003
Flash=E28F640J3 @ 0x3000000
BIOS Flash=E28F640J3 @ 0xD8000


7. Confirm by pressing y then {enter}.


Do you wish to erase the passwords? [yn] y


8. Confirm by pressing y then {enter} again.


Do you want to remove the commands listed above from the configuration? [yn] y Passwords and aaa commands have been erased.




9. The Firewall will reboot and the passwords will be blanked.


Type help or '?' for a list of available commands.
Firewall> en


Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

Factory Reset a Cisco Firewall

Cisco Catalyst Password Recovery / Reset

Cisco ASA – Password Recovery / Reset

Cisco Router – Password Recovery /Bypass


Securing Network Device Access With Cisco ACS (and Active Directory)

KB ID 0000942


For network identification I have tended to use RADIUS (in a Windows NPS or IAS flavour), in the past. I turned my back on Cisco TACACS+ back in my ‘Studying for CCNA’ days, because back then it was clunky and awful. I have a client that will be installing ACS in the near future, so I thought I would take a look at it again, and was surprised at how much more polished it is. As Cisco plans to roll ACS into Cisco ISE in the future, I’m not sure if it will remain as a separate product. So we may find people using version 5 for a long time yet.


I’m deploying ACS version 5.5 as a virtual appliance, remember to give it at least 60GB of hard drive or the install will fail. If you are installing on VMware workstation, choose the ‘I will install the operating system later’ option and manually present the CD image or it will also fail.

When you have run through the initial setup on the appliance it will set;

  • Hostname.
  • IP Address.
  • Subnet Mask.
  • Default Gateway.
  • DNS Domain Name.
  • DNS IP Address.
  • Secondary DNS (if required).
  • NTP Server IP address. (Ensure UDP port 123 is open or this will fail).
  • Secondary NTP (if required).
  • Timezone.
  • Username.
  • Password.

Then connect via a web browser (https);

  • Username: ACSAdmin
  • Password: default

1. Join the ACS appliance to your domain. Users and Identity Stores > External Identity Stores > Active Directory > Join/Test Connection > Enter Domain Credentials > Join.

2. Be patient it can take a couple of minutes, wait till it says ‘Joined and Connected’.

3. Make sure you already have some groups in active directory that you want to grant access to, here I’ve got a full-access group and a read-only access group.

Note: I’m going to grant privilege level 15 to full-access, and privilege level 1 to read-only, (yes I know they can still escalate to configure terminal mode, but you can always restrict level 1 so it can only use the show command if you like).

4. Back in ACS > Directory Groups > Add > Add in your Groups > OK.

5. Create a Shell Policy: Policy Elements > Authorization and Permissions > Shell Profiles > Create > First create one for level 15 (full-access).

6. Common Tasks tab > Default Privilege > Static > 15 > Submit.

7. Then repeat to create a profile for read-only (level 1) access.

8. Common Tasks tab > Default Privilege > Static > 1 > Submit.

9. Access Policies > Access Services > Default Device Admin > Identity >Select > AD1 (this got created when you joined the domain earlier) > OK.

10. Access Policies > Access Services > Default Device Admin > Authorisation > Customise > Add ‘Compound Condition’ > OK.

11. Create > Tick ‘Compound Condition’ > Select > ExternalGroups > Select your full-access group.

12. Add > Shell Profile > Select > Select the full-access profile > OK.

13. Repeat for the read-only group.

14. Set the shell profile to read-only access > OK.

15. Access Policies > Service Selection Rules > Create > Set to Match Protocol TACACS > Set the service to Default Device Admin > OK.

16. Network Resources > Network Devices and AAA Clients > Enter the details of your Cisco device and set a shared key, (here I’m using 666999) > Submit.

17. Make the necessary changes on your Cisco devices, like so;

Cisco IOS TACACS+ Config


Petes-Router#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Petes-Router(config)#aaa new-model
Petes-Router(config)#aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ local
Petes-Router(config)#aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+ local
Petes-Router(config)#aaa authorization console
Petes-Router(config)#tacacs-server host
Petes-Router(config)#tacacs-server key 666999
*Mar 1 00:10:24.691: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Petes-Router#write mem
Building configuration...


Cisco ASA 5500 (and Next Generation) TACACS+ Config


Petes-ASA# configure terminal
Petes-ASA(config)# aaa-server PNL-AAA-TACACS protocol tacacs+
Petes-ASA(config-aaa-server-group)# aaa-server PNL-AAA-TACACS (inside) host
Petes-ASA(config-aaa-server-host)# key 666999
Petes-ASA(config-aaa-server-host)# exit

ASDM Authentication

Petes-ASA(config)# aaa authentication http console PNL-AAA-TACACS LOCAL 
Console Authentication

Petes-ASA(config)# aaa authentication serial console PNL-AAA-TACACS LOCAL
SSH Authentication

Petes-ASA(config)# aaa authentication ssh console PNL-AAA-TACACS LOCAL
Telnet Authentication

Petes-ASA(config)# aaa authentication telnet console PNL-AAA-TACACS LOCAL

Enable Mode Command Protection Authentication

Petes-ASA(config)# aaa authentication enable console PNL-AAA-TACACS LOCAL

Petes-ASA(config)# aaa authorization command PNL-AAA-TACACS LOCAL
Petes-ASA(config)# privilege show level 5 mode configure configure command aaa

<repeat as necessary - Note: Turn it on with the ASDM with command preview enables and you can copy paste all the commands out and edit them accordingly>

Petes-ASA(config)# aaa accounting command PNL-AAA-TACACS


18. Now you can test, here I connect as a user with read-only access (Note: I have a greater than prompt, I’m in user EXEC mode). Then when I connect as a full-access user (Note: I have a hash prompt. I’m in privileged EXEC mode).

19. The results are the same if I connect via SSH.

Enabling TACACS+ Though a Firewall

Sometimes, e.g. you have a switch in a DMZ or a router outside your firewall that you want to secure with TACACS. To enable this you simply need to open TCP port 49, from the device you are securing with TACACS to the ACS server.

Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links

JunOS – Using TACACS+ With Cisco ACS