KB ID 0001018
In a newly deployed switch, the MACSEC link refused to establish, when I consoled in I was greeted with this;
Dec 06 01:30:07.023: %ILET-1-DEVICE_AUTHENTICATION_FAIL: The FRULink SM Daughtercard inserted in this switch may not have been manufactured by Cisco or with Cisco's authorization. If your use of this product is the cause of a support issue, Cisco may deny operation of the product, support under your warranty or under a Cisco technical support program such as Smartnet. Please contact Cisco's Technical Assistance Center for more information. Dec 06 01:30:07.023: %PLATFORM_SM10G-3-AUTHENTICATION: The FRULink 10G Service Module (C3KX-SM-10G) may not have been entirely manufactured by Cisco. Module is in pass-through mode. Dec 06 01:30:07.090: %FRNTEND_CTRLR-2-SUB_INACTIVE: The front end controller 1 is inactive -Traceback= 4E12E0z 250AA2Cz 26A1BE8z 269C198z Dec 06 01:30:18.079: %FRNTEND_CTRLR-2-SUB_INACTIVE: The front end controller 0 is inactive -Traceback= 4E12E0z 250AA2Cz 26A1BE8z 269C198z
At first I assumed the C3KX-SM-10G was faulty, so I put it in another 3560-X switch and the problem moved, problem solved (or so I thought).
However I moved the service module in it’s entirety (SFP’s as well). After some more troubleshooting it turns out the service module was fine, the entire problem was caused by a faulty SFP (GLC-SX-MMD).
Related Articles, References, Credits, or External Links
Cisco IOS – Configuring Switch to Switch MACSEC