Event ID 1014 and 1002 (Windows IIS Web Server)

KB ID 0000808 


Seen on Server 2003 running IIS 6, about once a week the website would fail, and the client had to reboot the server to bring things back up again. I took a look at the server and noticed that when the failure happened, we had five Event ID 1014 errors;

Source W3SVC
The World Wide Web Publishing Service encountered an internal error in its process management of worker process ‘<value>’ serving application pool ‘DefaultAppPool’. The data field contains the error number.

And finally we had an Event ID 1002;

Source W3SVC
Application pool ‘DefaultAppPool’ is being automatically disabled due to a series of failures in the process(es) serving that application pool


1. Before you proceed make sure this is not the problem.

2. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager > {Servername} > Application Pools > DefaultAppPool (unless your error is for another app pool) > Properties > Health.

3. Rapid-Fail Protection: You may wish to troubleshoot by simply increasing the thresholds, (the frequency of your 1002 events should give you a pointer). Though from what I’ve read this system tends to cause more problems than it cures, in the end I disabled it completely.

Warning: Disabling a system that is designed to protect you inherently has dangers.

If you suddenly get an unstable server, or memory leak problems you might want to reinstate this, and start checking the code in your website!

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