Nutanix on VMware vSphere ESX 8
Nutanix on VMware KB ID 0001866 Problem In the wake of Broadcom doing its best to strangle VMware and its discontinuation of free ESX. I thought I’d look at the free alternatives. The most obvious is Nutanix CE (Community Edition) which is both free, and lets you have up to 4 nodes – which is impressive, as Free ESX does not have clustering or access to vCenter. Honest Opinion: It’s very flaky, if you want a solution...
Nutanix: Could Not Reach Next Server
Could Not Reach Next Server KB ID 0001865 Problem Nutanix is very flaky! On a new (single host cluster,) post setup whilst attempting to login to Prism for the first time, it wanted to link to my Nutanix account. Unknown host, could not reach NEXT server. Please configure name server Solution : Could Not Reach Next Server Why do I say it’s flaky, well I defined a DNS server when I created the cluster. However, If I fired up SSH...