KB ID 0001062
Ages ago I did an article on how a Java update has stopped me getting access to the DRAC 5 controller on my Power Edge 2950. Well I had more problems this week trying to get on from my MAC.
The problem is, Java have pretty much blocked communications with SSLv3 (in light of the recent Poodle attack scares). Which is fair enough, but it’s not helping me get on my server that’s 50 miles away! The following procedure allows you to re-enable SSLv3 in Java (Tested on version 8 update 40). Obviously there is some security risks in doing so, this is as SSLv3 is exploitable, so best practice would be to just do this temporarily to get access then disable it again when no longer needed.</p?
1. You need to locate your java.security file, I’ve found paths all over the Internet to its location, the one that matters I found in the following locations;
MAC OSX: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/lib/security/java.security
Windows: C:Program Files (x86)Javajre{version}libsecurityjava.security
Note: If Java/Apple monkey around with paths and you are looking at this in the future execute the following terminal command to find the file;
2. Once located, edit the file and locate the line that reads;
MAC OSX Java.Security
Windows Java.Security
3. Simply remove SSLv3 from the end of the line and save the file. NOTE: With MAC OSX you will need to SUDO, to have the permissions to edit this file (see below).
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